Zekordo The Brave

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Thousands of years ago, there was a boy named Zekordo, who brought peace to the universe.It was night, on the planet of Zidorria, a mother was giving birth. She was screeching in her agony. Her husband desperately held her hand as she squeezed it with enough force to break the bones. Then, a child was born. "It"s a boy!" The doctor said with a grin.The doctors took the child away to examine his health and condition. They placed the child on a platform and the lights lowered down as a machine descended from the ceiling with a pole pointing out of its center. A small green bolt of electricity started to form inside the pole and the energy was released and electrocuted every part of the newborn"s body. This was a way of examining used by doctors to scan the health of their patients. A computer said in a robotic voice " HEALTH SCAN COMPLETE." The doctors came in to check and when they looked at the analysis, they were terrified. The analysis reported that he was hardly alive, vital organs were failing and the result would be his death. They came bearing the horrible news to his mother and told her of the event. She started crying in her grief, knowing that nothing could be done. Or could it? The doctors said that there was one last thing they could do, that was used as a last resort when all hope was lost. "We can do one final thing, we could send him to the Crystal Of Life." they informed them. The mother and father were desperate and they agreed in a heartbeat. The doctors prepared a transportation shuttle that was used for medical emergencies. They placed the child in a carriage and steered the ship at the speed of sound to the Crystal Of Life. When they arrived the parents begged for the Crystal to help them. The Crystal was known to be kind and reluctantly agreed. He brought a Light Crystal, something which had not been seen in hundreds of years and was only given to the Ultimate Lights who were the manifestation of good in the universal-who when seen by the human eye resembled a large golden dragon- The parents were amazed at knowing that there child was a Light.The Crystal took some string and made a Crystal Necklace. It put it around the infant and saved his life. The Crystal warned them that if the Crystal should ever be taken off, it would put the boy through immense suffering and pain and would cause him to die in a matter of minutes.The parents understood the conditions and were happy and joyful to see their son living again. They named the boy after who he truly was, the Ultimate Light or as the people of Zidorria would say, "Zekordo." The parents brought home their child with the utmost happiness and love. They believed that there son was finally safe. Or so they thought.......

You see, Zekordo was born in a time of war, there was a cult known as "The Followers of The Darkness". They had been in a war with the governments of Zidorria for over 20 years and they were unstoppable. Even when the world united against this threat, they could barely make a dent with the United Army. It confused most people because the cult consisted of 6 people who were winning against the entire world. This was because the leader of such cult was the Ultimate Darkness, sworn enemy of the Ultimate Light since the creation of the universe. Thankfully, Zekordo"s parents lived in a place far, far away from the warring sides. As such, they were able to keep their child"s true identity hidden. But the Followers of The Darkness knew the truth, that the Light was out there and they wanted to eradicate it. Zekordo"s parents took care of their son and loved him for about 6 months. The cult had been tracking the Light for years through the Darkness"s  spiritual connection to the Light, but now, they had finally found him......

This was their most discreet mission yet, they knew of the risk the infant would provide and they wanted to eliminate any competition that would oppose their wealth or power. They tracked that powerful signal across the world until they found the point where the signal was strongest, a small village not at all affected by the war. They burst in with such fury and power and murdered everyone who dared even look at them. They found the parents of the Light running away in fear as to protect their son. They ran into the forest that surrounded the village as it went up in flames. They were being chased by the Darkness himself, a man who looked to be around 70 years old and a mask covering his eyes. The father tried to fight back and let his wife and son escape by fist fighting the Darkness solo.

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