Chapter 3

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Technoblade kept staring out his window, watching as Dream picked up a few arrows from the ground, aimed and shot a perfect shot right in the bullseye of his target. Right as Technoblade thought he was done showing off, he walked a few feet to hit the next target, and the next- and yet another one.

"You sure you aint a god or something?" TapL said jokingly.

"Hah, wouldn't consider myself one. Now, you two keep practicing, I'm sure you'll get better in no time." Dream said as he handed over the bow to Finster who was using it earlier. Technoblade curled his hands into a fist, suddenly feeling the urge to get dressed and get to work. Dream had always been a tough contestant, never giving up like most people would have done when realizing they were up against the one and only "blood god". This was unusual for him, he actually had to concentrate and present the best of himself in front of everyone in Emseebia. Technoblade had never feared failing. He liked to think he did his best, and maybe his best just was not good enough in some occasions. Oh no, what really had him worried was his contestants winning as all attention would be dragged onto them. Ever since the two were crowned, they worked hard on doing their duties, but Technoblade just could not help himself but feel behind. He literally caught Dream out in the Archers corner, shooting arrows at targets with such precision in front of two men's eyes. How did he have the time to do that? Was he not supposed to write speeches as well? Or was Technoblade just- slow?

Technoblade rushed to his wardrobe and got dressed. He got in his long brown leather boots that were plated with gold, as well as his matching armour. At last he took his crown and placed it calmly on his head as well as putting on his long royal mantle almost twice the size of himself. His royal gear was expensive and heavy which gave him a slight disadvantage when in movement. Yet Technoblade stood strong and confident as he stared at himself in the mirror.

Technoblade remembered he had to settle an argument between two farmers who just simply could not figure out who owned what and how much. Apparently, it had led to some pretty intense discussions around the kingdom, and the two could not work it out themselves. This clearly sounded more interesting than a bunch of empty papers that had to be filled out with meaningful ink, so he was frankly quite excited to do his job today.

He finally went out of his bedchamber and rushed down the hallways. A few soldiers passed him in his path and politely greeted him, but he did not have time for a discussion, and instead responded with a nod, then kept walking in his fast pace down the hallway. As he reached the giant gates that served the purpose of entering and leaving the solid stone castle, he bumped into somebody he would rather have passed.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Technoblade glared at the green man standing in front of him.

"Well, I was supposed to go help the two overreacting farmers with their issue, but you're slowing me down." Technoblade responded.

Dream looked confused whereas he added. "Well- I believe that problem is already fixed, Techno."


"Yeah! I spoke with them today, and we came to the conclusion that one big farm with two hardworking farmers is better than two separate farms that doesn't even have a clear border as to where the farms separate." Dream replied, looking satisfied with his answer. Technoblade stared at Dream- not exactly the friendliest stare you could think of.

"Not to sound biased or anything-"Dream said, leaning closer while covering the side of his face with his palm as if he was trying to whisper a message to his pink friend. "-but that squid guy was definitely overreacting with that potato farm of his. Honestly a waste of investment to be so protective over. But hey, he has brought some lovely potatoes onto our plates for a while.. so." Dream said and let out a giggle.

"Look, I think I need to go. I got some stuff to do." Techno said, no sign of change in his reaction. "Alright, good luck. I have to attend to some minigame Fundy has set up for me and others to test, feel free to show up when you have time." Dream answered, as a smile grew on his lips.


Technoblade rushed forward, brushing Dream's shoulder slightly in a hurry to get away. The actual fun duty he had to take care of today was taken from him, making him feel even worse. Maybe splitting the throne was not the best idea they could have come up with. What's the point of being a king if all he does is write all day instead of actually "ruling" the kingdom and making sure everyone is okay? Technoblade expected more power, let alone more control, but everything that made him feel less of an author and more like an actual king was suddenly Dream's duty.

Technoblade continued down a random path, not exactly sure where he was going- he could not just walk back into the castle, that would look bad, and suddenly stopping his rushing pace to think the situation through would make him look dumb. No, he had to keep going. That is when he passed Skeppy's house. Skeppy had been Technoblade's good friend for quite a long time. He was not exactly known to be an obedient citizen that would fulfill his tasks; he preferred to make life a little harder for his fellow citizens, which was looked down upon by many. He was not any different when it came to Technoblade, even after he was crowned, but he had always been willing to listen to what Techno had to say when he had something to share. A visit will not hurt anyone.

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