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 Gandalf cleared his throat and Inanna the raven settled in. The dwarf raised a finger and gently rubbed her head. Inanna closed her eyes and began to preen her feathers as the discussion began anew.

Gandalf was more civilized now as he talked, "Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass by unseen by most, if they choose."
Inanna the raven nodded to agree. In her many years of living with Bilbo, she knew how true this was.

"While the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of  hobbit is all but unknown to him." it made sense in Inanna's mind. The dark dwarf looked up slowly at the very tall wizard.

"This gives a distinct advantage." Bilbo looked like he wanted to protest but Inanna saw he couldn't get a word in edgewise.

Gandalf sat back down and talked only to the dwarf Inanna was perched on, "You asked me to find the fourteenth member of this company, and I have chosen Mr. Baggins." Gandalf acknowledged a fidgeting Bilbo with a nod as the dwarf only looked down. He had barely spoken this entire discussion.

"There's a lot more to him than appearances suggest." Gandalf insisted to the dwarf, glancing slightly at Inanna. He spoke to the rest of the room as a whole next, "He's got a great deal more to offer than any of you know!" He paused and added quietly, "including himself."

Gandalf and the dwarf made eye contact, the dwarf looking stern and Gandalf looking insistent, "You must trust me on this."
Inanna ruffled her feathers to agree and the dwarf absent-mindedly used a finger to pet her raven form. No one questioned it but Bilbo narrowed his eyes, and Gandalf and Balin looked amused.

"Very well." The dwarf spoke quietly and Inanna was glad she couldn't shiver as a raven. That voice... "We will do it your way." He looked to the rest of the dwarves as Bilbo began to argue, "Give him the contract."

Inanna tilted her raven head. Contract? Was he going to sign? Inanna wanted him to sign. It would be good for him.

A dwarf with a hat began to talk, "We're in. We're off!" Chatter resumed along the table as Balin stood up to address Bilbo, handing him a packet of papers.

"It's just the usual," Bilbo grabbed it, "summary of out-of-pocket expenses... time required, remuneration, funeral arrangements," Inanna's wings flapped as she left the dwarf's shoulder and scratches and flew to Bilbo's to look over it as well, "so forth..."

"Funeral arrangements?" Bilbo grew bewildered and so did Inanna. Maybe she took it back. She didn't want to be aware of funeral arrangements for Bilbo. Bilbo walked out of the room with her on his shoulder to read the lengthy contract with her. She barely read it for a second before she decided this required Human Inanna's presence. Inanna flew into her room and quickly changed into a human.

By the time she was back, she found Bilbo passed out on the floor. Inanna gasped and rushed to him, using the discarded contract to fan him, "what happened?!" She glared up at the company and most avoided her eyes except for a younger Brunett dwarf.

"Bofur went too into detail about dragons." He laughed a little and she assumed Bofur was the one in the hat who looked not even the slightest bit guilty. She glared and continued to fan him and looked at Gandalf.

"Can you help me move him to the den?"


Inanna sighed as she left Bilbo in the hands of Gandalf and a mug of tea. She noticed the mystery dwarf off in a corner and went to ask him his name but was blocked by two other dwarfs. A younger and blond one and a younger and Brunett one. Inanna watched as the two bowed at the same time.

"Fili," The blond spoke.

"And Kili," the other said.

"At your service." They said together.

Inanna was astonished and couldn't help but clap, "lovely introduction," She gave a little polite curtsy, "Inanna. A pleasure to meet you." A memory rose to the service, "Sorry you saw me indecent earlier."

The two grinned, "We're sorry for looking."
Inanna smiled, "Apology accepted." She hummed, "I have a question." She leaned toward the two.

Fili and Kili leaned towards her, "we could have an answer," Kili said with a smirk.

Inanna smiled, "I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?"

Kili lost his smirk and both dwarves stuttered. Inanna giggled mischievously and skipped past the two.

Kili whistled as he watched her go, before looking at his brother, "did she just ask us a riddle?"

Fili nodded, also watching the young woman, "yes she did. We'll have to find the answer soon."

And off they went to ask Balin.


Inanna finally made her way to the dwarf she was trying to find and she tapped him on the shoulder before she put her hands behind her back. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

She gave him a little curtsy as well, "Inanna Baggins. Wonderful to meet you...?"

He could hear the silent question of the curious girl and smiled, "Thorin Oakenshield, at your service, Miss. Baggins."

Inanna smiled and nodded, her curls bouncing as she did, "Wonderful to meet you, Thorin!" She leaned towards him and whispered as if telling him a secret, "Very sorry for my indecency earlier and for perching on your shoulder. It was a good place to perch, you see."

He only raised an eyebrow, "It's alright." He left it at that and Inanna raised an eyebrow back.

"May I ask you a question?"

Thorin nodded and he realized he didn't quite know why he was expecting a serious question from the girl, why are you looking for this door? What is Erebor? Instead, she asked:
"I am tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?"

Thorin couldn't help the very short laugh. It was a riddle, and Inanna was looking at him expectantly.

Thorin cleared his throat, finding he didn't mind the innocent riddle, "a candle, Inanna. You are a candle."

Innan grinned and didn't say anything after that, she only danced away to an invisible tune. Thorin felt accomplished, solving her riddle as he watched her dance. 

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