The SlenderMan Stabbing ( A short story)

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Clutching her side as she struggles for air, Peyton drags herself out of the shadowy woods. "I won't make it." She thinks to herself, the voice in her head her only comfort.

Thinking of her family Peyton forces herself to keep going. As she lifts her head she notices the clearing leading to the open road, "I can make it." She pants, her breath becoming more and more shallow with every intake. Making it to the open road she break out into loud sobs, she'd made it, but there was no traffic, not a car in sight.

Giving up she turns over onto her back, waiting for her last breath as she closes her eyes. Suddenly she hears the squeaks of a brake. She couldn't open her eyes, hot and drenched in sweat, she prays she isn't hearing things, that she was going to be saved...

"Miss? Oh God..." she hears a loud crash, then heavy footsteps. Feeling large cold hands on her face she forces her eyes open. Speaking just above a whisper she says, "Help me...please."

Her eyes finally adjust and she sees a man checking her wounds, panic in his eyes. He quickly pulls out his phone and dials a number, "Who did this to you?"

Seeing darkness overcoming her vision she says, "...My best friends."


2 days earlier (Wednesday, May 28, 2014)

Hearing the sound of the midday bell, Peyton sighs in relief as she packs up her book.

"2 more days until summer vacation," she says to herself. Slinging her backpack over her shoulder she makes her way down the aisle when she bumped into causing her to fall and drop the book she was carrying.

"Watch it Leutner." a boy says towering over her, he kicks her book before snickering to his friends as he walks off.

Straining to stop the tears in her eyes from falling, she sniffles, reaching for her book when a pair of hands grab it, then her hand helping her up.

"SlenderMan Is Coming." a low voice read the title of the book, "Supernatural geek?" They asked handing her the book. Finally having the courage to look up, Peytons' heart drops, it's Jacob, her crush since the third grade.

After a long awkward silence, Peyton Finally had the nerves to speak, looking everywhere but Jacob she grabbed the book, "Uh- I-No. I'm not, my friends suggested that I read it. They're obsessed with SlenderMan." she lets out a small laugh.

"Your friends. Anissa and Morgan right?' Jacob asks as they make their way out the classroom door. Peyton just nods in response and Jacob takes this as a sign to continue, "So what are you into? Romance, Horror, Mystery?"

Thinking back to all the books she's read, she picks her favorite genre. "Romance," Peyton replied, blushing at her answer.

It was silent for a moment and when Peyton looked up she noticed Jacob staring at her with curious eyes as they walked. "I knew it." Before she could reply she was interrupted, "Sorry Jacob! Your time is up!" said a voice, feeling her arm being pulled as she was yanked away. Peyton looks back, giving Jacob a small apologetic smile.

Turning to her friends Peyton scowls "Seriously Morgan?! That was like, the longest conversation I've ever had with him. You know how much I like him."

Morgan rolled her eyes in response while Anissa, Peyton's other best friend locked her arm with Peyton's dragging her over to their table.

"Now you'll have to tell us all about it... yay,'' Morgan says, taking her seat at the table. Ignoring her sarcastic comment, Peyton turned to Anissa, "Still on for the sleepover at your place Friday night? I can tell you all about it then."

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