New Beginning

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(This is not a continuation, I didn't want to make a whole new thing so I'm gonna use the same one)

Rockstar Freddy was on the stage messing around with his microphone the others were doing their own thing, playing games and talking with one another Rockstar Freddy was getting frustrated since last performance his mic decided to cut off and they had to close early "ugh! Why can't I get this stupid thing to work?!" He grumbled smacking his microphone a few times "do you need help with that?" A low voice came up he looked up and noticed lefty he would sometimes join their performances but always had something wrong with him, though the company never bothered to fix him, though he always liked to be a smart ass to spite others and Rockstar Freddy didn't like him all that much "no I dont I can do this on my own!" He turned away from him fondling with the microphone again "stupid bear-" he mumbled under his breath he felt something over his should and found lefty leaning close to watch "hm...I dont think that's gonna work" he smirked looking at Rockstar Freddy "oh you-" he stood up staring at the black bear but before anything could escalate any further Rockstar chica came over and dragged him away "Hey Freddy! I was looking all over for you! I needed help with something" she quickly spoke dragging him away from lefty he growled as he stared at him but gave up looking away

"What is wrong with you?! You need to stop acting like this all the time!" Chica scolded he's done it so many times to the point she can't handle it anymore "you both need to be on good terms now, cause this can't go on anymore!" Freddy stared at her even though he was upset he couldn't help but feel guilty since she was always the one to prevent him from doing anything he would regret later on but he definitely didn't want to come to terms with lefty "look chica I'm sorry, he just REALLY gets on my nerves and I can't help it, I'll try not to do this again but I dont want to be friends with him" he crossed his arms looking at her "if he wasn't such a jerk then yea maybe I'll come to terms with him" she looked at him then sighed placing her hand on her face "just- try not to start fights with him anymore" she put her hand down and walked away leaving Rockstar Freddy alone he sighed and left as well going back to the stage he picked up his microphone and noticed it was on and working and saw a note tapped onto it he pulled it off his mic and read it

Fixed your mic for ya, you're welcome ;) -Lefty☆

He stared at the note baffled and crumbled it up throwing it away "that mother-" he paused looking up hearing Rockstar Bonnie calling out to him "Hey Freddy! I was wondering if you wanted to come play a few games for awhile?" He walked over to him with a smile on his face Rockstar Freddy looked at him for awhile then nodded "sure, i don't have anything better to do anyways" they both walked into a room almost everyone was there including lefty he noticed freddy and winked at him as well as having a sly smile on his face Rockstar Freddy rolled his eyes and decided to ignore him for once looking away

Though this had lefty shocked

Lefty x Rockstar Freddy [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now