Distance pt 2

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It had been weeks since Lefty had continued to avoid Freddy. He didn't seem to care, just glad he wasn't bothering him anymore, though the others had started to get a bit worried since Lefty was more quiet than before he was fine with everyone else though whenever Freddy was near he always stopped talking looking at Freddy for a moment before leaving always making a excuse to leave the conversation when everyone knew he was just doing what Freddy had told him to do. The others tried to get them to talk, though they always gave up since freddy was still upset with lefty he definitely wasn't going to change his mind anytime soon though as more time passed he slowly began to get a bit hurt by this each time seeing lefty looking at him and leaving made him feel slightly bad, especially when seeing the pain in his eyes

Freddy stayed backstage organizing a few things as he stayed stuck with his thoughts. His ears would perk up hearing footsteps coming towards the curtains once they opened, the light shining into the area he turned his head seeing Lefty stand between the curtains his ears had perk slightly before turning away "Ah, my bad didn't mean to barge in on you, I'll leave" he spoke Freddy quickly got up from his seat slightly reaching a hand out "H-Hold on!- can we just talk for a minute?" He quickly spoke once Lefty had turned to leave he stopped slightly tilting his head as he listened,"You got exactly one minute." He muttered slightly as he shut the curtain while taking a step back from it, keeping his back facing towards Freddy."I just...want to apologize.." he mumbled slightly, bringing his hand over to his bowtie as he fiddled with it nervously as he spoke "look...I know what I did before and even what I did now was bad it's just-" he would make a few hand gestures as he tried to find the words "I just didn't like your dumb pranks and jokes and it was just getting tiring I know I should've done something else other then lashing out on you and all but i- I'm sorry" his ears would lower slightly as he anxiously waited for a response but instead Left opened the curtains back up before stepping out into the open leaving Freddy there alone once again he had a pained expression as he watched him walk away "what was I thinking?- why did I expect him to forgive me after all that?!" He grumbled to himself he would turn his back facing away from the curtains "no I shouldn't even be acting like this I don't even know why I'm trying to get him to like me again" he would continue to grumble he let out another heavy sigh before deciding to get over it

if Lefty didn't want to talk to him then that was fine he didn't need him anyways

Lefty x Rockstar Freddy [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now