Rocky Horror

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"OH FUCK OH FUCK" Eddie yelled as he tried to fly as fast as he could, Steve was flailing and flipping through the air, unable to control his body or anything. He might've hated not being in control of the situation if he wasn't worried about the ground that was rapidly approaching.

All Eddie could see was Chrissy's disfigured body lying in a heap on the ground. All he could feel was the pain when they left him behind in the upside down. His short time with Steve flashed before his eyes, he didn't want this to be real. This entire situation felt surreal, like time was frozen, Steve wasn't going to die. Eddie wouldn't let him die.

"EDDIE!" Steve screamed again, trying to reach his hands towards Eddie, Eddie's own arms extending downwards.

Eddie grunted with out of force, they were maybe a hundred feet of the ground now. He could feel the hopelessness seeping into his veins, his mind was already berating him. You finally get something good, but you're so reckless and stupid that you go and fuck it up. Eddie took a sharp inhale as his father's voice rang like an alarm in his head. "God Edward. Why are you such a fucking screw up?!"

Steve gasped softly as Eddie's arms wrapped around his back, and he shot straight into the air. Eddie's eyes were squeezed shut as he just hovered for a moment, but he shot forward all too quickly. "What the fuck Eddie?!?" Steve screamed as he gripped Eddie around his neck and pulled himself closer, he was shaking and he could feel Eddie slightly trembling as well.

They both had way too many thoughts in their head, and it was good that the flight back home was a little long because it gave both of them time to collect their thoughts and clear their heads.

And after a few minutes of silence they swooped back into Eddie's window, Steve took a few heaving breaths as he collapsed onto Eddie's bed.

"I- I am so sorry Steve." Eddie stated as he paced in the room, probably thinking of all the possibilities and what could've happened. Steve almost felt bad for the way he initially reacted, but despite years of fighting crazy monsters he wasn't super great with near-death situations.

"Yeah okay Ed's. Cmere." Steve murmured as he pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes, sitting with his elbows on his knees.

Eddie crawled onto the bed and sat behind Steve, resting his head on his shoulder, his arms snaking under Steve's shirt and wrapping around his waist. "I'm okay." Steve whispered as he leaned into Eddie's touch, he had stopped shaking for the most part but Eddie was still trembling.

"I know." Eddie said as he pressed his head against Steve's, his arms tightening slightly. But he was caught off guard as Steve laughed softly, "We don't get anything do we. We are going to remember this night for all the wrong reasons."

Eddie hummed in agreement, noticing the guitar still sitting on the floor with the pliers and string on top of it. Wayne was usually the one who helped Eddie with his guitar, but he had been staying with his new lady friend ever since Eddie's death. Or at least that's what Steve said, Mr Munson couldn't stand to be in the trailer without Eddie.

"I love you Steve."

"I love you too Eddie." Steve said as he let his head fall back onto Eddie's shoulder, they both sat like that for a moment before Eddie shook a little, pulling his wings in. He uncurled himself from Steve and stood up.

"How bout, we remember it for all the right reasons." Eddie murmured, Steve's face turning a little red and his heartbeat quickening as he recognized the voice and way Eddie spoke.

"Are you sure?" Steve asked quirking his eyebrow, clearly more worried about Eddie's mental state than his own.

"Hell yeah babe." Eddie grinned as he placed his hands on the bed, his mouth inches from Steve's. But Steve shoved a hand in his face and pushed him away, turning his head to the side to emphasize the rejection.

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