You looked over at your best friend, Clyde, who was playing games with his other friends. The two of you have been friends since third grade. You two went through everything together; breakups, rocky friendships, and even the death of Clyde's mother. Even though it happened what feels like forever ago, it still took a toll on his mental well-being. The day of the funeral, you sat behind him and his father. It was heartbreaking to see him cry, after you promised him you'd be by his side for forever.

"On me, on me!" The brunette shouted at his teammates.

You were sitting on the opposite end of the couch. He never paid any attention to you when he was in a game. Whenever you were over and he'd turn on the playstation, you think about just going home. There's no point in staying over, he gets way too invested.

"Fuck, fuck." He was knocked, his grip tightened on the controller. "Shit, Jimmy revive me!" His leg started bouncing up and down impatiently. You couldn't hear any of the guys he was playing with clearly through his headset but you could hear very faint yells. Eventually all of his teammates died and they placed 6th.

"Goddammit!" He threw his controller on the ground, "If you had revived me like I fucking asked, we would still be alive." At this point he was standing up, you watched his hands fist up. "I don't give a fuck Jimmy- Craig I do not have fucking anger issues."

They were four games in and you were tired of hearing him scream. You stood up, gathered up your things, and walked towards the door.

"Token, stop talking soft. Be a man and use your chest." Clyde finally noticed you at the door, "Where you going?" His voice softened.

"Home." You shrugged.

"Why?" He picked the controller off the ground.

"I'm tired of watching you play video games."

He pointed the ps4 controller in your direction, "You can play if you want."

You stick your hand out, "I'm good, thanks."

"I can stop if that's what you want?" He began to remove his headset.

It was obvious he didn't want to stop playing, he was having fun screaming at his friends. "No Clyde keep playing. I think I have some homework to do anyways."

He gave you a small smile before sitting down and starting another game. You wanted to say goodbye but he was already in game mode. With that, you made you way out of his home.

On the walk home you thought about maybe picking up video games. You and Clyde didn't have much in common and never really shared any similar hobbies. It could be a way to spend more time with him but then again you already spent so much time with him. The only game you've ever seen him play was Fortnite and the game never peaked your interest. Did you really want to give up your free time to play a game that you have no genuine interest in?

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