Chapter 1.

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"Embrace it El"

It was Stefan's voice that cut through the darkness that seemed to surround me, suddenly blurs became shapes and the dark became colours.

I recognised my surroundings almost immediately, I had been here a thousand times before. My arms suddenly felt heavy and I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to face what I knew was waiting for me.

It's just a dream.
It's just a dream.
It's just a dream.

"What are you waiting for!" Suddenly Stefan's hand were on my shoulders, shaking me from my thoughts, my eyes opening to meet his. His dirty blonde hair was toussled and fell messily in front of his forehead, dry blood coating the bottom half of his face causing my heart to race.

I forced myself to slowly look down to the weight in my arms, the woman was still breathing, barely. Her eyes held such deep fear as she starred back into mine, her mouth parted as if she wanted to scream but no sound escaped. I could feel the veins under my eyes as I felt the beat of her heart echo through my body.

I could still feel Stefan's eyes burning into me but I didn't dare move my gaze from the woman before me. I couldn't move even if I wanted.

It consumed every part of me.

The blood. The smell that seeped from her like a drug, the sound of it pumping through her veins as if it were the first sign of water across a desert and I was dying of thirst. I wanted I needed her.

My breathing quickened as I found myself loosing a battle I wasn't even sure i was fighting, I pulled her closer to my chest, my dress and corset already stained with the blood of those before her. Her body tensed up in fear and her the sound of her heart racing only made me want her that much more.

I couldn't bare it anymore, before I could even process it my mouth was to her neck, the feeling overwhelmed me instantly, pure bliss as I felt her body go limp in my arms.

I never wanted to stop....

I woke up in a cold sweat, immediately sitting up from where I laid. My heart was racing a million miles an hour and my hands shook as they struggled to hold me up.

I looked to my surroundings and a sense of comfort washed over me as I took in the details of my room. The familiar scent of lavender danced through the air, the early morning sun shone through the sheer curtains illuminating the room before me.

It was just a dream I reminded myself over and over, trying to ignore the way the blood in my veins felt like sandpaper as it flowed.

4 months. That's how long Damon, Bonnie and I had been here for and that's how long it had been since I last fed on a human. My body felt like it was on fire but I knew I couldn't give in. Not here. Not with one of my bestfriends being the only living breathing person in existence. I had to resist.

I forced my legs to move, dragging myself out of bed and from my room following the sound of a pan sizzling in the kitchen.

As I walked down stairs the familiar scent of pancakes filled my nose, Damon had been making them nearly every single day since we arrived in this hell on earth. Neither Bonnie nor I knew exactly why, not one us particularly liked pancakes all that much but something about it seemed to keep him holding on.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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