•Why You Would Break Up•

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Mike - he likes el and cheats

Will - He finally confess he's gay, and you being awesome, supports him and you still stay close

Dustin - meets suzie 🫢😭

Lucas -  he wants to be in the popular group and it turns into a big fight

El - likes Mike but US so sweet and tells u

Max - her Depression stage in S4 but at the end you get depression :'(

Billy - He's a grade A Asshole but this time he takes it too far

Steve -  cheats on you

Robin - same thing as Will y'all

Nancy - She accidentally shoots you with her gun 😃 — Jk jk — cheats on u with Jonathan while she's dRuNk (BuLlShIt)

Jonathan- wants to be with Nancy

Erica - I don't know maybe she was being too savage and insulted you too much?

Eddie - well, 💀

Chrissy - 💀 or chooses Jason over u

Henry - he was too possessive (no way!)

Fred - 💀

I'm not dead! Sorry for not updating for a while but my summers been busy and schools soon 💀. I'm definitely not discontinuing this book but I might not update for a while again!
-Your Writer

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