Week One

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Michael POV

it's been one week since Prince has been proving himself to me and honestly it's working he's has one week left before I decide what to do

Prince POV

I have one more week before Michael decides I could tell he's loosen up to me I just don't want to mess up we're already doing good and came this far into it

Michael ended up calling Prince and he answered the phone ...he asked if he wanted to go eat breakfast with him

Prince: sure I'll see you there

Michael: alright bye

Prince came to get ready to go and have breakfast with him he was excited to be having breakfast with Michael for the first time

An hour later

Michael POV

I seen Prince pulling up ahh he's here I haven't order yet

Prince POV

I made it here to see Michael In the window waiting on me he's so cute

Prince: I'm here

Michael: I know I haven't order yet

Prince: you could've went on ahead and order

Michael: I know but i didn't want to do I waited on you

Prince: ok that was nice of you

The waiter came and asked for their order she was going to bring them their order

Waiter: enjoy

MichaelXPrince: Thanks

They ate their food and had a conversation Michael sees lots of improvement in him

Prince: wanna go to the art museum

Michael: yes I would love to go

Prince: ok well I'll pay and then we can go

Michael: oh no I'll pay since I invited you here

Prince: ok

After he paid they came to the art museum Michael loved art he was so interested in the art work and the Sculptures

Prince took his picture because he was so adorable looking at the painting on the wall

After that they saw a photo booth and Michael wanted to take a picture

Michael: oh come on let's go

They came into the photo booth and got their picture taken it was a good time

Prince: here yo take it

Michael: thanks but don't you want one

Prince: no I'm good

Michael: oh please take this one we can split it in half

Prince: ok fine

Michael was so happy he split the picture and gave it to him he was so happy

Prince: your so cute

Michael face turned red as he said that and Prince noticed

Prince: uh are you ready to go

Michael: oh uh ...yes

Prince: ok

Prince brought them to a private area on top of the Hollywood sign

Michael: this is beautiful

Prince: I know come sit down

They both sat down and enjoyed the view it was very beautiful

Prince looked over at Michael the sunset hit his face perfectly

Michael felt Prince eyes on him like he was on cloud nine of course

Michael: your staring

Prince: oh sorry

Michael: it's ok

Michael and Prince stared into each other eyes but Michael shortly after looked away

Prince: why you look away

Michael: because I don't like people staring into my eyes ...

Prince: oh I'm sorry

Michael: it's ok ...you wouldn't understand

Prince: but I want to and I will

Michael: are you sure

Prince:, yes

Michael: ok

They faced each other and Michael took a deep breathe he let Prince stare into his eyes it felt lifeless and sad that it broke his heart

Prince: I'm sorry you feel that way

Michael: you actually saw what happened to me

Prince: yes I did and I'm sorry it did

He could tell that Michael wanted to cry but he held it in

Prince gave him a hug and Michael balled his eyes out it felt good to let out a good cry

Prince comforted him and he felt so bad for Michael that he went through that but he felt his pain because he grew up with a tragic childhood as well

Michael: really

Prince: yes I did as well but yours sound worse Than mine

Michael dried his face he felt a lot better Prince was very thoughtful

Michael: thank you

Prince: your welcome...well we should probably head back

Michael: ok

So they did Michael thanked prince for listening and gave him a hug

Michael: thanks for everything

Prince was shocked when he said that he can tell that Michael appreciates him for listening and comforting him

Prince: your welcome

Michael came up to his room and laid down he felt a lot better letting out his emotions he's never done that

Prince took a nap today was a very special day he spent time with Michael

A Day Later

Michael POV

It's nice to be outside and look gods greatest creation it's a beautiful day today I was drawing by the pool

Michael truly enjoyed reading and drawing he was very talented boy with many talents ...it was nice to have a break and relax for a change for him and his brothers but he knew they will start back working soon as his father comes back from wherever he is at of course

Suddenly he had prince on his mind as he was drawing Mickey Mouse in his own little world and thoughts that's the only place he felt safe was his thoughts

Prince was going back on tour soon he was excited to see the fans again and they were excited to see him he wouldn't ask for another career he loved what he do

He was booked back to back but after tour he'll take a nice vacation to clear his mind he can never sit still he was always doing something even out of bordem he still manages to do something

Michael mother called every to the dinner table to come and eat it was getting dark out and everyone said grace and ate dinner for tonight

Before Michael went to bed prince called him and they had a wonderful conversation they both made each other laugh

After talking on the phone Michael turned his light exactly at 9pm and went to sleep

Next chapter is coming

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