The Beginning

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"Having abolished all governments of men, I have ascended to Heaven to take on the kingdom of God."

-Alexander 'Technoblade'

The faunus watched the sky, the full moon casting a gentle glow on the snow-covered ground. Snorting, the warrior went back to the settlement, where a small group of both human and faunus, the adults in mismatched and salvaged armor, all armed to the teeth.

"They're coming. Brace yourselves." Was all that was said from the lion faunus. Immediately, trumpets began being blown, their war-cry carrying for miles. Shouting broke out, as many adults took up battle positions around the small group of buildings, while the children were herded into the central building.

The leader of the tribe, a large gorilla faunus, stood at the gate, his hammer at the ready. He was flanked by a human wielding a crossbow, and the lion faunus, with a wicked mace. A minute of silence passed, before a group came into view. It was a few more minutes until the second group came into view: the White Fang; their Grimm masks hiding their face, but not their bloodlust.

From the front, a female stepped forward and removed her mask, her yellow eyes staring into brown. "Sienna." The tribe leader said. "Hank. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Sienna Khan stated. "Indeed. The last I saw of you was shortly after you became leader of the White Fang. How is that going, by the way?"

Sienna began to speak, but was cut off. "That was a rhetorical question. I know all about your acts off terrorism." Hank said, making Sienna scoff. "Says the one who ran off to join a group of savages." Both the lion faunus and the human growled, but were stopped when Hank raised his hand to calm them, before turning back to the High Leader of the White Fang.

"The tribe of Iron is not savage. We fight against tyranny and corruption, fight for equality. We do not willingly put innocents in harm's way." Sienna shook her head. "This debate is getting us nowhere. You know why I'm here."

Hank nodded. "You want the axe. But, none can use it, least of all you." He tried reasoning. "It's not for her." A new voice said. Hank searched the crowd, before seeing a woman bathed in shadows, her eyes glowing like fire. "Who the hell are you?" He asked. "One who works for a being that can wield the Axe of Peace properly."

"Last chance." Sienna said, her men readying their weapons. "Please don't do this." Hank pleaded, after some moments of silence. Sienna shook her head. "You are the enemy. I cannot let you stand in our way." She stated, her eyes hardening with steely resolve. "So be it." Hank finally said, before a small army appeared from the settlement. "If there's no other way...."

"... I choose blood!"

-minor timeskip-

Cinder stood in front of the burning building, savoring the cries and screams. Sienna stood in horror, watching the flames. "Why did you do that?!?" She demanded, staring at her ally with hatred. Cinder shrugged. "They were of no use to us."

"They were children!" The faunus woman cried, clutching her weapon. Cinder scoffed. "Whatever. The axe isn't here, let's go keep looking." Cinder turned away from the fire and walked off. As Sienna took one last look of sorrow, a figure ran out from the building, carrying another child on their back and dragging a black axe. Sienna's eyes widened at the sight, but decided to say nothing and let the child run off.

Alex carried his brother Dave for miles, running from their former home. Finally coming to a stop, the pig faunus gently laid his brother down in the snow and examined the burns. Dave wheezed, his lungs rattling. After a moment of silence, Alex hung his head. "I'm sorry." He said. Dave didn't speak, but slowly reached over and grasped his brothers hand.

A few hours later, Alex trudged through the snow alone, the axe strapped to his back and slowing him down. He finally collapsed in the snow, shivering as the cold overtook him.

"What a waste." A voice suddenly said aloud. Forcing himself to look up, Alex saw a cloaked figure standing in front of him. How had he not seen him? "Who are you?" The young child finally forced himself to say. "I am your god, child."

"My god?" Alex repeated. "Yes. I am the god of war and farming, that your tribe worshipped and made sacrifices to." The figure said. "Then why didn't you help us?" The faunus asked. "There are limits and rules that even I must follow." The god answered, creating a fire to warm the child. "However, after examining the rules, I believe I have found a loophole, and I want you to help me exploit it."

"What can I do? I'm nothing. I couldn't even save my brother." Alex said. The god laughed. "Do you feel anger?" He asked, making Alex confused. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Do. You. Feel. Angry." The god repeated. "Do you wish for revenge, to make the corrupt suffer, to keep the innocents safe from tyranny and persecution?" As the god spoke, Alex realized he did feel everything the god was asking, and more. Whispering voices seemed to invade his head, each demanding retribution and the blood of guilty.

"I do." He answered, his fist clenching and drawing blood, his eyes filled with righteous fury. "Will you accept my power, and use it to enact justice on the tyrant's, the enemies of freedom and peace?"

"I will!" Alex roared. "Then rise, and be reforged...." As the god spoke, Alex felt himself given strength beyond mortal men, and his eyes glowed a brilliant white.

"... As my Blade of Vengeance!'

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