Chapter 1

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"Ohh, I can't believe my little sister is attending Beacon with me!" Yang hugged her sister, Ruby, causing her to choke. "Come on, Yang!" The smaller girl said when she pried herself free. "I'm nervous, okay? Don't draw attention to me. I just got moved up by two years, I'm nervous."

Yang was about to say something, but was cut off by the news report. "In other news, Beacon Academy's controversial announcement to invite the mysterious vigilante, The Blade, culminates today with the start of a new year. How exactly will this turn out for headmaster Ozpin, and what will this mean for the rest of the students attending? I'm Lisa Lavender, reporting from Beacon."

Yang whistled. "Forget about you being the bee's knees, this guy is the top story for everyone." Ruby giggled, before smelling something. Looking down, her face changed to disgust. "Eww! Yang, there's puke on your shoe!"

Landing at Beacon, the two sisters were shoved aside as a blonde boy hurled into a trashcan. "Yuck." Yang said, as Ruby began going crazy looking at the weapons. "Yang, this is so cool! That guy has a fire sword, that person has a collapsible staff..."

Whatever Ruby was going to say next was drowned out, as a steel and gold Bullhead flew overhead, landing just a distance away. The two sisters watched as the doors opened, and a troop of eight soldiers marched out, wearing strange black, medieval armor.

After the knights came out, they stood at attention, four on each side, before a final figure began emerging from the Bullhead, walking slowly. The sisters watched in anticipation, knowing this was the Blade, wondering what he truly looked like.

Their first thought was wondering if they had made a lapse in judgement. The pig-faced faunus walked like a hero, but his baggy clothes made him seem frail, a cloak seeming to big for him hanging off his shoulders.

Still, the soldiers treated him with utmost respect, bowing as he passed by. After he passed all of them, the soldiers loaded back into the Bullhead, which took off. Yang and Ruby looked at one another, before approaching the newcomer.

"Are you really The Blade?" Yang asked him. He looked at her, before looking behind him, before turning back around. "I just had to make sure you were talking to me. But yes, I am The Blade."

A snort of laughter made them look behind the sisters, where a young woman in white clothing standing next to a trolley of luggage was giggling.

"Forgive me, but there's no way you're The Blade." She said, wiping away a tear. "The Blade is a warrior of unparalleled strength. You look like a stiff breeze could blow you over."

"I'm sorry, and you are, miss...?" Yang said, gesturing at her. "Weiss Schnee. Someone who's actually famous." Another snort of laughter came, this one from The Blade. "Famous for your singing, your attitude, or your treatment of the faunus?"

"Weiss gritted her teeth. "How dare you." She growled. "What, can't handle the truth? Maybe you should've stayed in Atlas if you wanted people to treat you like a princess." He retorted, making her angrier.

"Oh, alright then. If you really are 'The Blade', then prove it. I challenge you to a duel. Right here, right now." Weiss said, drawing her rapier. But before she had a chance to do anything else, the vigilante struck.

Before anyone could do anything, Weiss's rapier was sent sliding across the ground, and the three points of a blue crystal trident were pressed against Weiss's neck. Her eyes widened with shock and fear, she'd had no chance to react. "I yield!" She yelled out of pure survival instinct.

The Blade stood still for a moment, keeping his weapon pointed at her, before slinging it across his back with a strap. "Well then. I think that's all." He said, turning and walking off. As he marched away, Ruby studied his weapon, before noticing something about it.

The trident, as well as the axe beside it, were shimmering with a strange purple aura. Glowing runes and roman numerals ran across the weapons, spelling words she couldn't read.

Inside, Ozpin was just walking off the stage, and his assistant was walking up to the microphone. "All first years will spend the night in the auditorium. Tomorrow morning, you will report to the cliff side for the entrance exam." She said, before removing herself.

All of the students were chattering, pointing to the Blade and whispering. They stared at him with a collective mix of emotions: many seemed curious but fearful, some with anger, others with wonder.

The Blade himself ignored everyone, setting up a spot to sleep, before taking off his pack and sorting through the items inside. There was some clicking of bottles, before he pulled out a semi-large tin. Opening it, he pulled out a slice of cake, eating it as well as a strangely golden carrot he pulled from the bag as well.

This is certainly going to be an interesting year. Ozpin thought, sipping his coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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