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I stood, hands pressed to the sink, as I looked at myself in the mirror. I could hear the loud music from the bar as I quickly fixed my mascara and then tightened the red bandana in my hair. I walked out of the bathroom as a couple was making out against the wall, waiting for the bathroom. I tied my apron around my waist as I walked back to the bar. 

"Mr. Wheeler, what can I get you?" I asked as he looked at the liquor on the wall behind me. 

"Aren't you a little too young to be a bartender?" He asked, lowering his glasses to look at me. 

"Aren't you a little too married to be here?" I asked. He got quiet before ordering a beer. I grabbed it from the fridge before opening it and handing it to him with a napkin. Matthew came back behind the bar, fixing his pants. 

"What did I miss?" He asked as he washed his hands. 

"Nothing. How was that quickey?" I asked him as he wiped the lipstick from his face. 

"Shut up, Rose." I laughed as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Go see if they want anything," He motioned to the band setting up their instruments. I walked around the bar and stopped at a few of my tables before the stage. 

"Ron, do you need a fill-up?" I asked leaning onto the table. 

"I'm cutting him off," His wife interjected. 

"Got it, Pam. Did you want your check or stay for the band?" 

"We will stay, we are starting to like these little buggers." I smiled before turning to another table.

"You gentleman still doing good?" I drummed my hands on the table as they looked me up and down. Their fancy suits and rings showed they had money, and were most likely married. 

"Would be doing much better if you joined us," One of them said as he ran his hand down my arm. 

"Maybe later," I smiled, clearly giving them what they want. "Any refills?" 

"Hey babe, I've got a back seat with your name on it," Another winked and the others laughed. 

"Two beers and an old-fashioned?" I confirmed and they shook their heads. I walked back to the bar to grab them, before bringing them back to the men. One of them grabbed my hand and pulled me into him, whispering in my ear. 

"Those shorts are doing things to me," He said as his hand traveled down my back. I leaned back before he could touch my ass. 

"I'll check back in a little bit." I turned to the stage and the bass player looked down at me. 

"What's up?" He asked.

"Can I get you guys anything? It's on the house," I shouted over the music. 

"Let me go ask everyone else." He shuffled off of the stage and came back with three other guys. One of them, with light brown hair, wearing a Metallica shirt offered me his hand, before pulling me up onto the stage. 

"Can I get you guys anything?" I asked as they stood surrounding me. 

"You're Rose, right?" The same one asked me. 

"Um, yea I am." It got quiet as he just stared at me. I was used to people staring at me, but not people who I graduated with. 

"I'm Gareth," He greeted, holding his hand out. I left him hanging and shook my head. He awkwardly rubbed his hand on his jeans before introducing everyone else. "This is Jeff, Simon, and Eddie." I looked around at everyone. "But you already know him." Everyone except Eddie and I laughed. 

"I don't believe I do," I lied before opening my order tablet. "Can I get you guys anything?" 

"Four beers," Eddie said looking up at me. I smiled before turning back to the bar to grab them. As I walked back to the bar, I noticed Matthew flirting with the girl he took to the bathroom as there was a line at the bar. 

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