Chapter 1

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Charlie's pov:

Today was just another usual day of cleaning cars and fixing them (sounds boring I know).But it's for my brother as he's saving for a new car and  I can't believe he's turning 16 (wow it feels like he was just born).

Obviously,I don't wanna disappoint him,like come on you saw how happy I was when I saw bee for the first time.

"Hey Charlie lunch is ready,I made noodles especially for you" shouted my mom from across the garage where I do all my mechanical work.

I walked over to the kitchen table to eat my noodles whilst reading a magazine I found on the table (which was my moms).It was about celebrity gossip and the latest updates about celebrities which I really couldn't care about like how does she read this stuff.

A few minutes later,I finished my lunch and went back to the garage to carry on with cleaning cars and mechanical work people had asked me to do for them.

After I finished all the work that needs to be done,I drove bee outside the garage to clean him as he needed to a clean.

I started with the easy part by washing the tyres.But then I got distracted by cleaning bee because I this cute girl who was walking past.....

Usually I'm not one for socialising but I've seen this girl before and she seems so nice and gosh I LOVE her hair and her pretty eyes (I could stare at them all day).But I also get this thought that shes not into girls so that's what pushes me away from talking to her.....

a/n:hope you enjoyed this chapter,let me know what you think of it in the comments :))

I think I like a girl.... (a charlie watson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now