Mr walnut

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Chirp chirp chirp

Chisato was on the couch in her underwear sleeping, as the whole room was littered in CD

"Mhhh" Chisato groaned as she awoke from her slumber she looked at the Tv and realized

"WE'RE LATE!!!" She shouted as she ran to
Y/n's room she knocked furiously on the door

"Y/N WE'RE LA..." she was cut off mid sentence by Y/n opening the door & he was already fully dressed

"Correction,you're late" Y/n said as he started to head for the door

"Y/n you big meanie why didn't you wake me up" Chisato pouted

"Sorry,guess I didn't want to wake you up" Y/n said

"Oh then in that case it's your fault right?" Chisato said with a smile

"Hmmm? How so?" Y/n said genuinely confused

"You didn't wake me up" Chisato said

"Ohh I see what she's tryna pull here,two can play at that game" Y/n thought

"But you looked super cute while you were asleep "

"Y-Y/n you pervert were you starring at me while I was sleeping" Chisato yelled blushing furiously

"Oh but I'm just saying it as I see it" Y/n said with a smirk

"W-w-Why are you saying this now" Chisato said obviously embarrassed by the H/c haired boy's compliment

"Hmmmm,Chisato~Chan are you blushing"Y/n said extending the evil grin on his face

"B-Baka we're gonna be late" Chisato yelled as she ran to go get changed

"What was he thinking teasing me like that" Chisato thought to herself

Timeskip, cafe

"Hi,sorry we're late" Chisato said as she and
Y/n walked into the cafe

"Oh welcome Mr yoshi" Chisato said as Y/n only gave a nod of acknowledgement to the man's presence

"You remember me" The man said

"This cafe doesn't get much customer.....,just kidding you were Takina's first customer so how could I forget" Chisato rambled on as the man gave her a souvenir before eventually leaving,immediately after Chisato and Y/n got to arranging their weapons


"Click clack Tap" Chisato yelled

Chisato was currently giving Takina a hard time about food as Y/n had zoned out lost in his own thoughts and memories

"What if  she hadn't shown up in my life?,what if she abandoned me?,what if she one day hates me?,what if..." Y/n was cut off from his thought by Chisato poking him in the face with chopsticks

"Say Ahhh"Chisato said as she offered to feed him some eggs

"Huh?" Was all Y/n could get out

"You haven't eaten right?so say ahhh" Chisato said as she offered him food once more

"Yeah but I could feed myself" Y/n said

"No way I absolutely insist,now say ahhh" Chisato said as Y/n first gave a momentary pause weighing his choice in his head as he finally agreed and opened his as Chisato fed him

"See wasn't so hard now was it" Chisato said,Takina simply starred at the two in amazement

"Wow their friendship is really something else isn't it" Is all Takina could think

"We're getting off" Y/n said as he stood up and exited the train and switched to the next train with the girls in tow

Lycoris recoil: (chisato x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now