Michael pov
I have Cassidy, Noah and Evan with me to get William. "So we are are just going to pick him up and get him in the car?" Evan asks. "Yes we need all of us because he probably weighs a ton." Noah says. "I need to go to the bathroom I'll be back. Noah says again. "Okay we'll go ahead and go in there" I say. I put my hand on the doorknob and twist when I pass out.

Evan pov
Michael passed out on the floor. I go to pick him up expecting him to weigh a lot. I pick him up and "Cassidy." "Yeah?" She asks. "He weighs about 5lbs.." I say in shock. "What the hell?!" Cassidy yells. "This is so unhealthy how is he not starving." Noah comes back. I grab Noah by the coller of his shirt and say "explain how Mikey weighs like 5lbs, bastard are you starving him?!" *sigh* "let me show you why." Noah says walking towards Michael. I watch as he lifts his shirt. "Why is there bandages?" Cassidy asks. "Just watch." Noah says slowly unwrapping his bandages. "It's bleeding.." Evan says. "Hold on keeping watching." Noah say as he unwraps it completely. "What there's nothing there?" Cassidy says. "I forgot to turn off his illusion disk." Noah says reaching for the illusion disk. He take it off and "WHY IS HE PURPLE?!" Evan and Cassidy scream. "Shush I'm about to show you." Noah lifts his shirt again. "..." "this is why. He has no organs think about it have you ever seen him eat?" Noah asks. "No." Cassidy and Evan say with horror in there eyes. Michael starts to open his eyes. "Wha? Why are y'all staring at me?" Michael asks. "They found out." Noah says. Michael grabs his illusion disk from Noah's hands and puts it on. "We will talk later we need to get William." Michael says. "Fine" Evan says.

*They get William into the car and drive home*


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