⚜️Scarlet Stains🌸

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(Evil/Other Dimension Mitch x Marshie)

I just like writing and drawing gore, I'm a horror fan I guess XD

I just like writing and drawing gore, I'm a horror fan I guess XD————————————————————————————————

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This is never what I expected when we came to camp...

But in this universe...death just seems to follow us...you're different from the man I fell in love with yet in you I see him, even though that wonderful kindness, that beautiful face is now stained with a scarlet red. I don't like the Mitch from this dimension...I want to return to my own, yet in the darkness of the night, when he held me close in hug to ease the both of to sleep. I found myself here after I closed my eyes, this is all wrong...I'm not where I belong, I don't care how much other me can put up with...

Just has that thought finished blood hit my face, it dripped down my veil and stained the dress I wore, yet I seemed to sit there unnerved by the whole thing, when his blood soaked hands put themselves into place around my hips has he kissed my lips,  he complimented me and traced his hands down my body, I was sitting down so he slowly got on his knees and held my body close, he would kiss my hand or even my face has he rambled about how much he loved, has he talked about how sweet I tasted but that he could never hurt me anyway so he enjoyed to licks and kisses or soft nibbles.

It all sounds so strange but even has fear built up in me I blushed, I held his head kissed him back, he may be different from my Mitch in many ways, but still now deep down inside he knew who I was in his own words,he knew I was his little Tweetie-pie...and for myself perhaps I've stayed so calm because I know who he is even under the scarlet stains...
I know this story is a bit short but I didn't want to push and actually really like what I came up with so size of the stories will differ for that reason.

You are allowed to leave request the only things I will not do are

-adult and minor

Those are my only rules I may do some steamy stuff but not actually smut if anything like in this story of like tracing their body or a passionate kiss,but that is all.

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