Chapter 1: Morning

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(Luz's POV)

I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear, I turned it off and got up from my bed looking at the time on my phone.

"5:26 really, you've got to be kidding me"

I got off my bed and looked in my drawer for clothes, I decided to wear blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a light blue hoodie.

I walked down stairs to see my mom jumping up and down in extreme excitement.

"hey mom what's going on, why so happy?" She looked at me smiling from ear to ear

"well mija you know how I've been saving money for some special reason" she said cheerfull as ever

"Um yeah what about it"

"Well I finally have enough to enroll you there"

"Enroll me where?"
"Enroll you in a school!"

"Really what's it called?"

"Wait isn't that a boarding school?"
"Well yes but one of my friends recommended this school to me a few months ago"

"Oh so when am I going"
"In 2 days" she quickly replied

"In two days I have to pack now!"
"No need to rush mija, you have two days, that's enough time to pack"
"Ok mamá"

I walked over to the kitchen then got a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice, I sat down at the table and ate my food while I played on my phone.

"Well I got to go to work, see you tonight" my mom suddenly said
"Ok bye mamá"
"Adiós mija"

My mom leaves pretty early so if I wake up past 5:35 she's usually gone, I don't mind it much but sometimes it annoys me because one of her coworkers is a pervert and he trys to flirt with my mom and other women that work there.

Sometimes it's not just flirting, he trys to touch her and I hate it.

I got a text from my friend that I made at the park one day her name is Autumn, her parents really loved the fall season so they named her that I thought it was cute.

^hey can we hang out I have nothing to do --_--^

^sure, I have nothing to do either^

^ok meet you at the coffee shop^

^ok see you there^

I got up putting my bowl and cup in the sink, i walked up stairs to get my headphones, my bag and some other things, I came back down stairs to put my shoes on then walked out the door.

I was walking to the coffee shop when I noticed some thing, a girl with dark green hair and glasses was getting Bullied by a girl with pink hair and 3 other girls, one of them had grayish hair up in a ponytail and dark skin, the other had Brown hair that was slightly wavy and a pair glasses on her face.

The third one had mint green hair with some brown and it was pulled back she seemed kinda sad, her head was down looking at her phone not paying attention to the bullying, she was kinda cute, wait what am I saying, I shook my head returning back to reality.

I was annoyed about the bullying so I grabbed a bat from my back pocket on my coat, "Hey Stay Away From HER!"
"Huh" I swung the red bat hitting it against the girl with pink hair 's head causing it to bleed.

"OW YOU B-" she stoped her sentence when she looked at me, she looked terrified backing away quickly,
"C-come on g-guys w-we need to g-go"
The 3 followed her but before the mint haired one did she looked at me for what felt like hours but it was only 2 minutes, she then followed the pink haired girl to the other side of the sidewalk.

I turned around looking at the dark green haired girl "you ok" she looked at me with innocent eyes and nodded I smiled at her
"here let me help you up" I put my hand out to let her grab it

She grabbed my hand and smiled "Thanks I'm willow" "I'm luz...well I got to go bye" I waved bye and left.

"What took you so long and why do you have a bat"
"I was ..uh peting a cat"
"You sure you were just peting a cat"

She said gesturing to the blood covered bat in my hands.
"Heh long story"
"Well don't spare any details"

After I explained what happened she just said "so do you have a crush on the mint haired girl" she smirked
"What no, I might bi but I didn't like her" I yelled at her in embarrassment

"Huh yeah, well anything new with you"
"Well yeah I'm going to a Boarding school"
"What's it called?"
"I guess were going to the same school"
"Sounds lovely"

Autumn's phone went off with the ring tone of the song "Rockstar: from lisa" I think, I learned that she loved that a few weeks after we met.

"Hey mom, yeah just hanging out with luz.. you know the girl with brown hair and brown eyes."

While I waited till she was done, I went on my phone, when I was scrolling I came across the girl with mint green hair and the description said "I fell in love with a cute boy today oooh," the picture had her blushing at someone I couldn't tell who though but I was kinda jealous.

Autumn was done when I looked at her she had a look on her face like she was thinking.

"Hey you ok" I asked her
"Yeah yeah, just fine" she responded
"Ok well I gotta go bye"
"Aw I thought we were gonna hang?"
"Heh, maybe another time, I forgot I have chores" I sighed
"Welp, ok, and I have to watch my brother later.. Anyways bye"

I got up and waved bye to her and went home


once I got home it was pretty dark since I made a few stops along the way.

I finished my chores then started to pack since I do have school in 2 n a half days, i packed all my stuff then brushed my teeth, got in to my pajamas.

And went to bed.

New story, I've been working on their for awhile, also I'm not gonna finish WOA since I've just lost motivation for it, and it was just a fun little experiment.

I hope you like this new story🤍

1102 words

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