Chapter III

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The morning of The Report I got up extra early and decided to prepare myself. Yes, I know I wasn't going to be present for The Report but I wanted to look my best. The hours slowly passed through the day. Customers came for our unique bouquets of flowers and went with exquisite flowers. But all I could think about was being chosen and the opportunity that came with it. Would I succeed? Finally, the time arrived. Around 5:30, my mom and I closed up the boutique and hurried upstairs to turn on the TV. 

"Sit down Gwyneth! It's coming on! Hurry up sweetheart!" Said my mom as she motioned for me to come over and sit down on the couch. The sound of The Report's theme music came on. The faces of our society 1's flashed on the screen. King Hunter, Queen July, the charming Prince Nicholas, and his sister, Princess Adelaide. The host, Jack St. James, starts the show with a familiar sound. 

"Hellooo, Illea! Do we have news for you? I'm Jack St. James, your shot for tonight. Let's give a warm welcome to Illea's royal family!" The royal family waves gently at the screen and then Jack continues to go on for a moment and then goes to King Hunter about local issues.

"Just get to the part!" I say as the King seems to be droning on for hours about their new deal with New Asia. The King (finally) decided to wrap his segment up and my heart (which is already beating 10 times its normal rate) starts beating even faster. 

"Now, the part you all have been waiting for...your selected Daughters of Illea!" I squeal loudly and squeeze my mother's hand. We grasp onto each other tightly. Jack clears his throat and starts the list.

"Anwen O'Connell, 3, of Honduragua."

"Fleur Lake, 2, of Kent."

"Rosalie James, 3 of Bankston."

"Felicity Palmer, 5, of Paloma."

"Kathleen Raen, 6, of Dominica."

"Farrah Larks, 2, of Whites."

"Eloise Main, 4, of Yukon."

"Anna DeLore, 6, of Belcourt."

"Devina Johnson, 5, of Hudson."

"Hailee Allen, 8, of Honduragua."

"Hope Oceane, 3, of Carolina."

"Esther McCoy, 5, of Panama."

"Kaitlyn Dolle, 4, of Kent."

By now it seemed that the list had been stretching for miles. Would my name ever be called? What if I didn't get the chance?! My heart bested even faster with these seemingly terrifying chances when one thing changed everything.

"Gwyneth Spayde, 4, of Columbia."

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