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December 8th 2024

Josh sat in his room, playing VRchat with his friends on VR (all these years later for some reason).
"Josh!" his mom called.
Josh groaned, "be right back yall"
Josh makes his way to his door before calling back to his mom "yeah mom?"
"Theres a letter for you in the mail! i'll leave it on the kitchen table for you".
A letter? Josh thought to himself. Who even sends letters in this day and age?
Josh makes his way down the stairs and to the kitchen table to take a look at the letter. He began opening the letter before a knock shook him from his daze. "jesus christ" josh says before heading to open the door. There at his doorstep lay a singular red durag. Josh shrugged before shutting the door without a second thought.
Josh goes back to the kitchen table and chooses to take the letter back to his room with him.
*sigh* josh thought to himself "i really don't feel like getting back on right now".
Josh is a lazy fucking bum and so he just texts the group chat and calls them racial slurs before telling them he's not getting back on for the night. Despite his friends protest he shrugs them off and lays back in his bed before remembering the letter he got.
He decided to open it and finds a mostly blank letter besides the words "missed u" in the middle of the page. Josh was confused but ultimately shrugged it off as a joke done by one of his friends. Josh lays on his bed still with his online friends on his mind. He began thinking of some of his old friends, one of them being Davey. Davey fell off the grid a while back after being convicted of the murder of his ex lover. He couldn't understand how Davey got so bad. Davey was one of his favorite people to play with and he felt they had a special connection. To this day Josh still thinks about Davey in a way no one ever thought to consider. Josh was in love with Davey although he'd never admit it to the group. Josh takes out his Davey photo collection before busting out the lotion and tissues. Before he could get down to business a rock flies through his window breaking it and scaring the living shit out of him. Josh scrambles to get up before heading over to the rock that just shattered his window. There was a note attached and it read "did you miss me?". Josh muttered "what the fuck" under his breath before slowly making his way towards the shattered window. At the tree line stood a masked man. The man just waved at Josh before revealing quite the suspicious collection of tools in his belt. The man had a hunting knife, some rope, duct tape, a tazer, and... a ball gag?! Josh backed away in horror before realizing his mom left for the store without him only moments prior. "shit he muttered" as he ran to ensure his windows and doors were locked. As he was locking the back door he realized that his mother had left the front door unlocked. For josh it felt like time was moving in slow motion. He stood there with his mouth agape before noticing the jiggling of the doorknob. This finally broke his trance and he decided to go back upstairs and hide in his mothers closet. Josh was scared. Shaking, sweating, and horrified he trembles in his mothers closet. He had left his phone in his bedroom but any hope of retrieving it was gone when he heard the heavy footsteps of the man at the top of his stairs. Josh let a few tears slip out before he began muttering a prayer (ironic coming from an atheist). A voice called out "Josh honey don't be afraid. Ive missed you so much and this is how you treat me?!" Josh recognized that voice more than anyone. It was Davey

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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