Part 4: saving adam ?

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Kai (Tom Hanks) takes mira behind superhell lines to find adam, whose three brothers have been killed in combat. Surrounded by the brutal realties of Hell, while searching for adam, each person embarks upon a personal journey and discovers their own strength to triumph over an uncertain future with honor, decency and courage.

andways adam is saved now

"Kai you saved me!"

"yes of course i did adam! can we kiss now"

just then it turned out it wasn't really adam they saved, but a demon PRETENDING to be him!

then they attacked the demon and the real adam was standing right behind him.

"Kai you saved me!"

"yes of course i did adam! can we ki- wait, how did that demon know my name?"

"urgh....." said the demon. "adam wouldn't stop talking about you....... you guys are so in love.... argh..."

"adam i love you so much!" said kai

ok now they escape superhell and then they are back in regular hell now, soon to make their escape...

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