come with me

414 15 6


hi I'm will your probably wondering if I'm talking to you , yes I'm talking to you.
This weekend was much homework,bullied,and probably more.
I have this one friend and only my one friend that is an idiot but I love him I do.
His name is Miles Fairchild
He's the only one who wants to be my friend,and he saves me from my bullies.
Maybe sometimes He's my bully too ㅜㅜ
Everyone thinks that we're dating but we're not (not yet) heheh.
I tutor him every single day after school but 5 minutes later he just stares at me blankly,I found it creepy and fluttering too.

"Hey umm do you wanna go..."


"Hawkins with me?"

Wait what
No no no his twin is there MY BEST FRIEND IS THERE

"I don't think I follow.."

"Byers pls  come with me.."

"What for?.."

"It's summer break and I'm going back there and I Don't really want to go but you know my mom"
He said while getting his books out of his locker 

I stood there

"I don't know babe."

"Will pls they bought two tickets it's kinda for me and flo- but she didn't want come so I'm asking you plus aren't you happy that you're going to see your old friends?" He said

I sigh




"Wait what..ur coming"

"Yes miles I'm coming with you In Hawkins.."

"God thank you byers" and then he hugged me

Ahh I love this feeling

"Thank you again..I love you"

I love you too

"No problem"
With that I left,why did I left? I saw someone coming into our direction and it's a girl Ik that there gonna makeout
Ofc it's going to be awkward so I just walk away



All my class was done I never seen miles one of my classes is he in the janitor closet again?!?..

You may be wondering janitor closet?
Yes janitor closet janitor closet,there's miles making out with a girl or a boy..

I knocked at the janitor closet

"Class dismissed"
With that I walked away
As I heard them cursing

I got to my locker but someone called me and it's the one of my bullies friends

I began nervous
My hands are trembling


"What do y-you want?."

"Nothing I just wanna see you.."

Oh really f you

"Is this a dare or what?"
I asked

"Oh no ofc not I will never play with you pretty boy" with that he reached for my chin and make me look at him

I'm trembling I don't know why

When he's about to kiss me I knew I had to get away but I can't hold neck tightly my things fell of my hand and he almost kiss me

Then miles sees us

"Get ur dirty hands of my byers!"

I said out of breath

The boy let go of me and I almost collapse but miles got me

"Hey hey are you ok?"

Definitely not you asshole

I just hugged him leaving my stuff on the ground

"Gæ f###"
The boy said and runaway

"Cmon let's go byers"

I came with him


My throat hurts like really bad
We're now in his house making his self a coffee I think

I just laydown in the couch I heard flora singing

"Lalalalalala- miles!"
She got to his brother and hugged him

I tried speaking but I just still can't it hurts

"Oh your here to willy"

She came to me

I sat up

And she lay down on my lap

I smile

"Flora will be on your room just gave us a minute huh?"
Miles said

"Ok,bye willy"
She waved at me and I waved back


"Hi" I said with low tone like barely saying anything

"Still hurt"

I answered while massaging my neck , it was silence again. I look at him,he's doing it again staring at me

"Hey st-stop"

"Well your really pretty byers"

He puts his coffee in the near table and goes to me cuddling me

He kissed my forehead

And before I knew we kissed
This is not the first time we kissed It's like a million already but only him can kiss me you know I'm saying cause I like him you idiot

"I thought your coming"
We heard flora said

"We are we are"

I laughed

End of chapter 1


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