Kings new reign

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3rd person pov

The new monster was cloaked by the fog only certain parts of its body could be seen.

Ultima watched in horror, broken from its trance by the sound of a aircraft. Striker looked to the sky and saw a airship

Curt: so this is the technology of monarch

Alyssa: something like that

Alyssa spoke through the intercoms

Alyssa: stolen airship from my sisters company, apex built to develop weapons to exterminate the titans

Scott: no offense but they could use some extermination right now

Alyssa: look closer

The jaeger pilots looked and saw the over 100 meter titan slowly stalk the shadows until he got the attention of the femuto

The femuto roared at the mysterious monster trying to assert dominance, the monster step backed into the smoke last thing to disappear was the monsters tail which whip around.

Curt: he's backing down Alyssa this doesn't look good

Scott: wait are those fins?

Alyssa: wait for it

Alyssa: hell yeah, he still gots it

Curt: excuse me, he?

Scott: Alyssa what aren't you telling us

Alyssa: after he makes them submit or kills them I will tell you all


Back with the jaeger pilots on the battle field.

Yorha: what is that

Yn: I don't know

Prowler stood to its feet

Jake: "kid you alright"

Jinx: a little banged up but I'll live

Prowler saw the femuto looking toward something but it couldn't see it

Jinx: what's going on

Stomps could be heard behind prowler they turned as fast as they could to face the on coming advisor to their surprise it was the twins

Steel hurricane was chipped and ruptured but still armed

Leon: were still in this

Jinx: good do any of yall have a clue on what's going on

Lector: if my studying with Alyssa is correct the female Muto is trying to assert dominance

Jake: "but against what"

Jinx: good question jake

Both jaegers looked the same direction the femuto was facing.
Sharp Fins protruded out the smoke but nothing could break the midnight haze

Jinx: has anyone seen Nobu

Leon: they were the closest to the emp

Jinx got worried for her friends

Jinx: we got to find them

The jaegers made their way toward Nobu's last location

Leon: hey Nobu can you hear us were on our way

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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