The Invitation...

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Hello everyone! I'm back with a new story with orignial characters reminder I do not own the banner or pictures I use for my storys credits to the artist!



Nephorius, The main character of the story, who is a Zombie

Nebula, Nephorius's sister, who is a Ghost

Luna, One of Nephorius's fake friends, She's a Snake

Grace, Nephorius's second fake friend, She's a Mouse

Max, Nephorius's last fake friend, She's a Spider

Jade, Nephorius's first real friend, She's a Butterfly

Chanel, Nephorius's second and last real friend, She's a Ladybug


In the "Queens" Groupchat


Luna: And that's why I'm better than all of you peasants

Max: Stop getting so ahead of yourself Luna

Grace: Yeah Luna


Nephorius has changed everyone's nicknames


"Queen"(Luna): I like mine but why is it quoted?

Maxxy waxxy(Max): Why am I "Maxxy waxxy"?

Grace The Ace: I kinda like mine

Zomy(Nephorius): 1. it's quoted because you called us peasants when your the opposite of a queen and 2. your maxxy waxxy because I couldn't think of anything else to name you

Queen: I feel offended

Zomy: Sorry Luna!

"Queen": It's fine though

Maxxy waxxy: I get it I wouldn't know what to name myself either!

Zomy: Hey guy's can I add my friend's?

"Queen": Sure

Maxxy waxxy: Ofc

Grace The Ace: Anytime


Zomy added Jade and Chanel to the groupchat


Zomy changed Jade and 1 other's nickname


Jadey wadey(Jade): Hey

Chanel$$(Chanel): Bonjour!

"Queen": Hello

Maxxy waxxy: Hey

Grace The Ace: Hola

Zomy: guys your invited to my birthday party!


That's it for this part come back next time for part 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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