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One of the bullies sees Mike and will talking on the rollar rink and pushes one of them


Will and Mike currently stood in an empty space in the rollar rink, just talking.

"So, have you made any friends?" Mike asks, his hands in his pockets.
Will sighs, standing uncomfortably.
"No, no not really." Will replies, turning his head, fiddling with his fingers.
Mike's eyebrows furrowed.
"But El's made friends? Who wouldn't wanna be friends with you? You're so cool!" He'd protest, punching Will's shoulder playfully.
Will just chuckled and mumbled an unsure 'yeah'.
Mike put a hand on his shoulder,
"Hey, either way you've still got the party right? We still lo- are your friends!" he began, "I mean, I'm your BESTfriend.. But still!" he'd smirk sarcastically.
But it was true, Mike was wills bestfriend. He always had been.
Will looks up and gives a genuine smile to Mike, giggling a little.
And that's when will felt his stomach drop, a pair of hands landed on his back, 𝑝𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 him forward, closing the space between him and Mike.
He collapsed onto Mike, his hands either side of Mike's chest,  and his legs on either side Mike waist.
Mike had his hands on wills shoulders.
Will was the first to acctually comprehend what the hell just happened.
He lifted himself off of mikes chest but stayed straddling him, completely frozen in shock.
"i- I- I'm sorry-" Will began, stuttering.
His face was bright red from embarrassment, and everyone around then laughing didn't help.
Mike used his hand placement to push will off of him, scurrying to stand up.
Will fell backwards and tears welled in his eyes.
He quickly stood up and followed Mike off the rink, immediately going to the boys toilets to lock himself in a stall and simply cry.
Who knows how many people from his school were there??
He finally had a fresh start where he wouldn't be called a Fag, or a fairy, or godforbid zombie boy!!
But now he was going to be called fag, again.

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