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Ray feels her body slam into the lockers. That's nothing new for her. She ignores the pounding pain slaming at her skull and smirks up at the bully.

"Well, good morning to you too, darling." Another slap. "Shut up," hisses the bully, Ray's nemesis, known as Claire, the queen of the school. She was everything: beautiful, caring, smart, funny, rich... In short a dream girl. Except for one tiny flaw. She was oh so straight.

And what's worse than falling in love with a straight girl?

Falling in love with a homophobic straight girl.

And that's exactly what Claire was.


"Eww! Get outta my way fag! I would be ashamed if I was you." Claire cornered Ray in the bathroom. "I'm honored you were thinking how to be me. I would personally rather be with you than be you-" A slap.

Ray feels her head spin but she does nothing. She only grins. You would think why isn't she doing anything, why wouldn't she stop Claire. The reason was pretty simple. She was in love and that was the only way to get attention from the other girl.

So she didn't care. As long as she got Claire's attention and response she didn't care if she got hurt.

"So how are you, babe?" Claire is furious. Ray is always calling her with endearments, mainly because she wants to be able to call her those and if she pisses her off she stays with her longer.

"You make me sick, disgusting dyke." She pushes her into the wall. "I'm glad I make you feel something, sweetie."

With one last punch Claire leaves the bathroom. Ray looks after the blonde longingly and sighs. She locks herself in the stall and cries.


"Why do you keep letting her do this to you, Ray?" Ray's bestfriend and roommate Jane sighs as she's treating her wounds.

Ray just looks at her sadly and stays quiet. "Ray. You can't keep this going," Jane tells her seriously. "At this point she's going to kill you one day."

"She won't," Ray tells her surely. "How do you know?"
"Because she's the only person that hates me as much as I hate myself."


Claire digs her nails into Ray's forearm. Ray just stares her deep in her beautiful blue eyes. It's after class and Ray has 'accidentaly' bumped into the school's queen in an empty hallway.

Suddenly Claire lifts her leg and knees Ray in the stomach. The short haired brunette doubles over in pain and catches her breath. Claire already makes a few steps to leave when Ray chuckles quietly. "You should aim a little lower," she smirks.

Claire turns around immediately and pushes her against the wall. She is livid. "You disgusting fag," she growls in her face. Their faces are centimetres apart and Claire feels Ray's uneven breathing on her cheeks.

Ray panics from the proximity since they have never been so close. Claire's hands are pushing her shoulders into the wall and her leg is the middle of hers as she is leaning into her face.

Ray drops her gaze onto Claire's lips but immediately raises it back to her eyes, afraid to be noticed. But Claire has noticed. She lifts one hand and punches Ray in the jaw.

Ray's head snaps to the side and for a few moments her surroundings are spinning. She feels lightheaded and a stupid idea pops into her mind. It's probably my only chance anyways. Fuck it.

Ray closes her eyes and claims Claire's lips. She savors the sweet taste of her cherry lipstick and tries to imprint every sensation in her mind, as it's probably the only time she will kiss her.

Straight To HerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang