Chapter 02: Leaving, Even If It Isn't On A Jet Plane

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*Ayumi's POV*

I sat up and yawned. "Morning, you guys."

"Ayumi, it's the evening."

I stood up and looked around the room. I was just on a bed that wasn't mine in a room which wasn't the one I share with Sakura and Ichigo back at the Sakamaki's, or the room Yui shares with Natsumi and Emiko. What the hell is going on? "Sakura, where are we? And where are the others?"

Sakura walked towards the door and pointed a finger outside the room. "We're at the Mukami brothers place, and my guess is they are in Ruki's, Azusa's, and Yuma's rooms. Yui is probably on the couch downstairs. We better go get them before the brothers do something to them. Let's go."

I ran out of the room behind Sakura and followed her down the hallway, hoping to find Ichigo and Emiko. "How long have we been here?"

"Sakura, Ayumi, there you are." Ichigo said as she walked over to us with Emiko.

"Why are we at the Mukami brothers home?" Emiko asked.

"Most likely to take our blood and claim us as their 'Eve'." Sakura walked downstairs, the three of us followed behind her, not sure what to do. "Isn't that right, Ruki Mukami?"

Ruki glanced at Sakura. If he looked surprised, he was doing a good job of not showing it. "I am surprised that you know who I am, Eve." You certainly look it.

Well, actually, you don't. Who really gives a fuck? "Is it that you wish to have me as your Adam? Do you want me to be your Adam that much that you knew my name already before I even introduced myself?"

"How Sakura knows your name is none of your business." I stood in front of Sakura and the others as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Shut your mouth if you know what's good for you." A threat from Yuma? Should I take it seriously?

Nope. "You going to say that to my face, or are you just going to stand there by the window and make empty threats? If that's your way of trying to make me cry, then you seriously need to do some research, dumbass."

He glared and started advancing towards me, but Ruki stopped him. "Stand down, Yuma. Arguing with Eve isn't going to make her want you as her Adam."

Azusa grabbed Emiko's hand, grabbing her attention. " you like...pain?"

Sakura removed Azusa from Emiko. "Who the hell likes pain aside from you?" Yui moved off the couch and stood behind me, looking as frightened as ever. "Honestly, of all the questions to ask, you chose that?"

"Hey, now, Azusa." Kou started saying as he walked down the set of stairs behind us. He seemed to be unusually calm, but I know better than to let my guard down. "That's inappropriate to ask a person you just met. You have to introduce yourself first."

"I'm Kou Mukami." He winked at Sakura, who cringed in disgust. "Nice to meet you, feisty firefly. Although, you probably already that, don't you? Your friend, the masochistic kitten, however, does not." He smirked at Yui, who said nothing because she was too scared to, especially after hearing what Azusa said earlier.

"I'm Yuma Mukami." The dumbass introduced himself in a bored tone.

"Mukami?" Yui asked.

"We're all brothers." Not exactly Kou, but whatever. "And this is..."

"Azusa." The guy who loves pain spoke slowly and emotionlessly.

Yui turned to Ruki, waiting for him to say something. "I'm Ruki."

Sakura literally said that a moment ago. Why you so slow, Yui?

Emiko grinned as if we were never kidnapped and taken hostage in another vampire mansion. "I'm Emiko Tsukuyomi, and this bunny here is Usagi-chan."

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