but when you think too hard, eventually it starts to hurt

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He had done it again, 'fallen asleep'.

Will had a new tendency of lying like hell. For example, he'd tell everyone he was taking a nap but instead, locked himself in his room and attempted to get into Henry's mind. The amount of energy it took from him had nearly knocked him out multiple times, what he considered "asleep," or at least that's what he told everyone else.

This time was a bit different than last time. Last time, which was actually earlier in the day, was a disaster. Now, everyone was asleep and he knew no one could walk in on him. He didn't have to be as careful. Or, lock the door apparently. The disaster of last time was that Will attempted to go into Henry's mind, but completely failed, seeing nothing but darkness. He kept trying and eventually passed out from exhaustion. That's when he got thrown into some random dreamland with a bunch of huge clocks.

That should've been a warning sign to stop.

But Will, being Will, decided to try again.

Silence filled the room, the only slight sound was Will's breathing or an occasional rustle from outside. A small drop of blood trickled down from his nose, just nearly reaching his lip.

Will's brain was blank. He forced every thought away that didn't pertain to Henry. It wasn't working at all, though. He continued on though, because at two o'clock in the morning, this seemed like a reasonable thing to do.

The door cracked open. Two AM Will must've decided that since no one else seemed like they were awake, he didn't have to lock the door. However, now Mike Wheeler stood in the doorway, confused as who knows what, frozen staring at Will.

Mike snapped out of it and closed and locked the door behind him quickly before making his way over to Will. Will was lost in his own mind at the moment though. Mike copied Jonathan's movements from earlier and waved a hand in front of Will, as if that would do anything.

'Your unrequited lover is here Will~' Henry teased, forcing Will to panic and rip off the bandana that covered his eyes.

"Mike- hi- hello-" He stammered out before quickly getting up and tossing the bandana on the dresser and grabbing a tissue to wipe the blood from his nose. He turned back to Mike who was sitting next to where Will previously was.

Mike shook his head, dismissing his thoughts. "Hey- uhm-" he straightened his posture before continuing, "what was uh- that-? Like genuinely what the hell was that all about-?"

He didn't seem angry, which prompted Will to take back his seat and turn to Mike, attempting to figure out how to explain the whole ordeal.

"I was trying something..?" Will said, sounding more like a question.


"Just- something I dunno-"

"Will c'mon, what's up, what was that?"

He went quiet at Mike's last question, unsure of how to answer it correctly. Mike looked slightly on edge, clearly waiting for a response. Will opened his mouth a few times, closing it back up each time, still figuring out what to say. It shouldn't be this hard to answer.

'Don't answer him.' Henry pressed in the back of his mind.

'What if I tell him?' Will tugged back.

'You're dead.'

'And how do you expect to do that?'

'Same way I did it to everyone else.'

'But I can stop you is the difference'

Henry went silent for a moment before returning: 'No, no you can't.'

'You didn't give me powers. You can't take them away like that.'

'I suppose-'

'Then I'm telling him.'

'Will don-' He was cut off. It was simple to push him away and stop listening. What could Henry really do to him anyway? Will seemed to have the upper hand here.

Coming to the conclusion that he had nothing to lose, Will pulled up his shirt sleeve and placed his wrist on Mike's leg.

"There, if that answers your question." Will told him before looking away, honestly not wanting to see Mike's reaction.

Mike examined the boy's wrist for a moment, holding it up to look at it. "Like El?" His voice was soft. It didn't seem angry or bothered in the slightest. Just confused.

Will turned back to him again upon hearing the softness in his voice. "Um- yeah- pretty much..?"

He took a deep breath in before nodding. "Okay- okay I didn't expect that at all.. but like- when did that happen- you were with us all the time, El lived in the lab?" Mike seemed fairly calm, still definitely confused though.

"Dad." Will responded simply before realizing how vague it was. "He'd take me for a few hours on weekends or occasionally after school, make up a lie to tell mom. It worked so-"

Both of them sat in silence for a moment before something clicked in Mike and he wrapped his arms around Will, pulling him into a tight hug. Will's arms snaked up Mike's back, holding him close, but not tight. Mike on the other hand had held Will tight. He put his face into the crook of Will's neck muttering something that was slightly incoherent, but if Will had to guess, it sounded most like an 'I'm sorry.'

"Can we like- not tell anyone about this?" Will asked quietly, nearly a whisper.

Mike nodded.

Finally, Will felt like his secret could be trusted by Mike again.

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