Season 1 Episode 3: Enter the Sonic Boom Universe/Multiverse Battle!

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(Previously on Sonic In The Multiverse Of Madness: after getting their butts kicked by the villains they thinking about how to get the Chaos Emeralds back and then Tails gets a reading on the portals and they get to them before they close and wined up in the Sonic Movie Universe where they meet the first part of Team Multiverse Sonic! Their Movie Counterparts but things don't go so smoothly they soon get into a fight with their alternate dimension variants but after a truce between Modern Sonic and Movie Sonic they stop their friends from killing each other and agree to help them get the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman and his team get their hands on them)

(Meanwhile with Team Multiverse Sonic as they travel through the Dimensional Wormhole)

Prime Sonic: I think I'm getting the hang of this whole traveling between realities thing.

Movie Tails: That makes one of us!

(They look to see Team Movie Sonic trying to fly through it)

Prime Sonic: It's just like swimming guys! Let the current guide you!

Movie Sonic: (Sarcastic) Yeah! Because I hate swimming even though I enjoy flying through the fabric of reality! I think I'm gonna be sick!

Prime Knuckles: And besides Sonic at the rate where we're heading who knows what crazy zombie apocalyptic reality where going to.

Prime Tails: Z-z-z Zombie!

Prime Sonic: Calm down Tails he was joking, right Knuckles?

Prime Knuckles: (Sarcastic) Yeah totally I was so joking about the Zombie apocalyptic reality.

Prime Sonic: (Growls) Knuckles!

Prime Knuckles: Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm joking... Kinda!

(They then reach the end of the wormhole and fall out a portal)

Prime Sonic: Brass your selves!

(They land in the sand near a workshop)

(They land in the sand near a workshop)

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