Do they Smoke?

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He doesn't admit it but he does smokes. He usually does it at least once a week out in the backyard when the boys aren't home. He doesn't want them to know he smokes, but they already do. He doesn't change his clothes after he smokes and they can smell it on him when they get home. They don't mention it though.

No he doesn't smoke. He knows how unhealthy it is and what all the major effects are. He also can't stand the smell of it.

He does smoke and vape but he usually only does it with a group of people who smoke. He isn't being peer pressured to smoke or anything, he just prefers to do it with other people. He only does it because he thinks it makes him look more gangster.

She's vaped for a little while, but it was really only a week. She was peer pressured into smoking by some not so good friends. But Huey talked her.

She tried smoking but then health class talked about the dangers of smoking, and she was terrified. Like she knew that lung cancer was possible to get from smoking, but she thought that was only something that happened to a few people. As soon as she found out about all the long-term side effects(like heart disease, diabetes, COPD, tooth loss, decaying gums, and destruction of the cerebral cortex[the part if the brain that controls thinking skills]) she quit smoking and threw away her cigarettes.

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