Ch 14

100 3 1

I'm not really interesting lol anyway enjoy the chapter!

Nicks pov

I open my eyes to Axel and George talking in hushed voices above me.

" Should we tell him or not? I dont want him to freak out..." George says and that made me question them a bit. What are they hiding from me? I close my eyes again and pretend to sleep more while they talk.

I hear a sigh come from Axel before he says the words I want to expect at all. I thought they could trust me.

" I just dont know how he will react to us being in the mafia.'' Axel says and i shoot right up before running out all the way to the other side of town.

I ran to the park and climbed a tree, this way they couldnt track me or find me. I take a deep breath before processing what I heard just now. They are part of the mafia!? I'm so dead I might as well just live in the trees. I heard voices in the distance and I immediately went silent even holding my breath.

" Wonder where this kid is and why the bosses want him found so badly he's probably dead!" the mystery guy said but was quickly silenced by a greater being.

" He fucking better not be! While you guys are fooling my baby could be anywhere so get the fuck to looking." I think the voice was Axel and he was getting closer to the tree I was in. until he stopped just beneath it. I just stopped living for a moment.

" I wish we couldve waited or known what he was gonna do... Damn it! Where's my baby? Where could he go? He's not at his apartment so where..." He stops and looks up and straight at me. Which is kinda impressive considering how high up I am. He smirks before calling someone.

" Found ya." he whispers and shivers run down my spine as he starts climbing at lightning speed.

" Oh shit.." I say as I tarzan my way away from him running from branch to branch. I had loads of experience doing this because of being homeless for half my life. He's still right behind me but before I can do anything I feel a pinch in my neck and stop. I look back and Axel looks at me with a smile before facing backfowards toward what I assume is George with a gun. I try to run but I'm shot with a dart.

" Oh dear didnt think itd take two. Let's get you home." george says walking towards me but i back up but start to feel my head get heavy.

I start to fall before im caught and carried away and fallen into the darkness.

Axels pov

Oh the poor thing luckly george has great aim and got right on the neck. I see him stagger before rushing over to catch him.

" Alright now that we have him we can't let him go." I say with a serious tone as I carry Nick to the car while he babbles away like a baby the whole way there. I nudge George and point to nick. He smiles when he hears it and kisses him on the cheek before going back to setting things up. We finally have him once again. And this time he's not leaving.

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