2. I'm Here, Aren't I?

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#under age sm*king#
#de*th and *rphan#

<Its 1am and you are in the terrace of the dorm to be by yourself for some peace time.>

It was a heavily cloudy night and you hoped that it rained heavily soon. Rain felt like therapy for you. Leaning over the railing you took another long drag, liking the burning sensation. Smoking never got you high, it only calmed your nerves a little.

Smoke of any kind could never harm you. You were smoke after all. Your quirk allowed you to change your entire body to smoke and control its type, density, structure and flow. [Basically the devil fruit power that Smoker has in One Piece.] It worked for the best because even though you were under age smoker and half insomniac, no one can prove your guilt without photographic evidence. And up here, you were safe from those eyes. You could see the security robots from miles and with your smoke screen, you could hide. And tonight, the overcast made things even easier.

So, smoking at 1am on the terrace was a good way to get over this horrendous day. The day you hated with ever fiber of your being but of course it was a day of joy to everyone else. And the whole of class 1A had to give you a mini-surprise party in the dorm hall. And you naturally had to smile all evening, thank everyone and be your cool self for hours while dying on the inside. At 9 when you finally couldn't take it any more, you returned to your room, thinking you were done. Your exhaustion would let you sleep. But nope. How could things be easy for you?

So here you were. Trying to calm your nerves enough to let you sleep.

"How long will you keep at it?" A voice tore through the silence that you had preserved for so long.

You knew who it was and you didn't care to hide you cigarette. Just a little startled by his appearance. "Couldn't sleep." You answered. "How are you here?"

"Didn't see you online and knew you didn't sleep." he answered, walking up to your side, stepping on at least one full pack with cigarette buds. "So I called but you didn't pick up. So either miraculously you slept or you're up here. And miracles don't happen."

You hummed. A part you was a little happy to get a company and the best one at that. He joined you by the railing, except he leaned backwards facing the opposite side to yours.

"It'll rain soon." he said after some time. You don't say anything. "So you didn't like the party?"

"no." you answer. Not wanting to speak ever again. And fortunately he gets that.

It felt comfortable just staring at the clouds and the occasional lightning. Some were blinding and thunders roared at the silence the was previously built. It was nice and then suddenly it started pouring.

Katsuki ran calling for you to follow him inside. But you didn't move a muscle. You loved rain and tonight, you wanted to be soaked.

"You'll get sick you idiot!" he shouted from the door, obviously not caring if others heard him. Neither did you. The down pour was so strong that you couldn't actually hear him even though he was a mere fifteen meters away.

It didn't take you long to get soaked to your bones but you didn't budge. You looked out as if the rain didn't even exist. Seeing you like this, Katsuki left his rationality and came up to you. He pulled you by your arm to make you look at him. He obviously didn't like what he saw.

Your arms were cold as ice. Your body moved without any resistance to his harsh movement. And your eyes were red and swollen, filled with more pain than he had ever seen. He probably wanted to shout at you for being stupid enough to get drenched on a week day. But seeing you, he changed his demeanour. "Talk to me. What happened?" His voice came broken, maybe because of the rain or maybe he choked on air after seeing your face.


I hate my birthday." you answered, stealing your gaze away from his.


"Because it's stupid."


"Don't act like you think it's important."

"It's not about what u think. I want to know why you think it's stupid." You don't answer. He's hand holds your chin and tilts your face up. "Tell me y/n. Why do you think birthdays are stupid?" he asked is the softest voice he could master.

"Because my parents died this day." The silence that followed was deafening. Thankfully that was filled with the storm you were currently under. It wiped both your tears.

Katsuki did the only think that came to his mind. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight, as if he'd loose you if he didn't hold you. You quickly buried yourself in his arms, crushing yourself to get even closer if that's possible.

The rain had washed away all your body heats and both of you were obviously shivering but in the embrace of one another, that didn't seem to matter. It felt good.

After sometime he pulled you off and pulled you inside. He was silent all the way to his room. Both of you were dripping on the floor, a visible trail but you didn't care. He went into his room and got two sets of clothes out of his closet. "Go and change. You'll catch a cold."

You didn't question and did as you were told. The clothes were ridiculously big. You knew Katsuki wore big baggy clothes but those clothes are on you, you realized just how much muscle those clothes hid. The cargo pants felt like palazzo and the t-shirt went well below you hip.

At any other time, you'd have loved this moment. The feeling of his clothes that still had a light hint of nitroglycerin. The instant warmth that you felt when you wore his clothes. The idea of basically burying yourself in his clothes.

But the cold in you bones prevented all those thoughts. You walked out of the bathroom quietly to find Katsuki laying in his bed comfortably under the cover
Upon seeing you, he gestures you to join him beside him and you swiftly crawl in. He wrapped you securely in his arms and whispered "If you ever feel like talking, I'm here. Don't forget that. Whenever you need me, I'll be there. If listening is all I can do, I'll do that. But please, don't shut yourself from me, okay? Don't think you'll be bothering me or whatever 'cause that not true. Alright? You can come to me with anything anytime. I'll be there for you, okay?"

You softly nod against his chest, content with just being there and a little away from the previous train of thoughts.

Tomorrow, you would visit your parents again. Tomorrow will be another long day. But that's tomorrow. Right now, Katsuki was with you and that's all that mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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