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Marik's POV
I open my eyes. Sunlight shines through the curtains, glowing out between the gaps. I sit up, making the bed bounce slightly under me, like a prancing horse in a panic. I yawn, my jaw clicking.

I look over to my still sleeping lover. His white hair surrounds his head, reaching out across his pillow. His breathing is gentle and slow, each time moving his body up and down smoothly. I smile at his sleeping form, so full of serenity. I reach out to stroke his hair and caress his skin.
Then I see my wrist..
Full of small holes, irregular. Each was rimmed with hard skin and some had small green seeds or fungus in them, grinning out like foxes faces out of their holes. I felt tears sting my eyes. I hurriedly flipped up my other wrist. More holes, more disgusting holes! I ran my hand down my back. My smooth shiny skin was potted with holes, some oozing blood which I saw on my fingers. I was trembling now, trembling out of fear of what had caused these holes which now covered and disrupted my tanned skin.
That's when the itching sensation started, as if fleas were crawling in and out of the holes. I raked my fingers into the holes and scratched. I pulled and scratched and clawed, trying to rid my skin of them. Trccch trccch trccch was the noise my nails made across the hard rims. I didn't care if I cut myself or bled, I just wanted to get rid of the holes. More blood eased out of them and trickled down my potholed wrist. I was crying loudly now, screaming and screaming as in fury I tried to remove the holes. My back was sticky with blood and pus. I was sweating and tears and sweat dripped off my chin. The holes looked worse now, blood drying on the hard, cut ridges. I was sobbing and sobbing. I could not rid myself of these holes...

I sat up with a start. My bed sheets stuck to me with sweat, my eyes puffy and my hair sitting up. I was panting, as if I had just sprinted a marathon. It was a nightmare. Thank Ra, it was a nightmare. Bakura is still sleeping next to me. I can feel his smooth legs intertwined with my own. He's ok, still sleeping peacefully as he was in my dream, still beautiful as he always is. I let my breathing return to normal. I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok.
That's when it started again. The itching sensation, like millions of insects crawling over my wrists and back.

"HeeeeeEEEElllPPP!!" I screamed, although no one was going to hear me and there was nothing they could do about what I had just experienced. I just broke down, sobbing and scratching at my wrists and back, tearing at my skin, making long white lines, like the kind seen in the sky behind aeroplanes. I scratched harder and harder, drawing blood, which dripped onto the white bed sheets. I thought the holes were gone but yet I still saw them upon my wrists.
That's when I heard:

"Marik?" It was soft. Smooth. Purring. British. Bakura was sitting up, looking confused and sleepy. I ceased my scratching for a second to stare at him though my tear filled eyes.

"I CAN'T STOP!!" I screamed at him. He looked at me and realised that I had had another nightmare.

Bakura's POV

Marik was crying and scratching. He was drawing blood, slashing into his soft brown skin, so perfect but in his mind covered in holes. I knew what his nightmares were like. He had told me many times.

"Marik. Stop." I said. I reached across to wrench his hands away from his skin but he continued.

"Marik. Stop" I commanded. "Marik, it was just a dream. You have no holes on your skin. It's ok. It's ok." I soothed. I came close to him and hugged him. He tried to push me away.

"No, Bakura. I don't want you to catch them!" He said. It smashed my heart how much he cared for me. I gently took his hand and got him to stand up. He was only in his boxers so I could see nearly every inch of his skin. His skin which was perfectly fine. I knew what I had to do. It was very simple really, just strong manipulation. I just had to convince him that there was no holes on him, then he would cease scratching.

"Marik, where do you think the holes are?" I asked.

"M-my wrists and all over m-my back.." He said between shaky breaths, while still scratching. I felt so sorry for him, being plagued by nightmares. It knocked him down so much and it broke my heart to see him like this.

"Marik" I said calmly but firmly." There are NO holes. Repeat after me.."

"There are no holes.." We said in unison.

Marik looked very doubtful.

"But Bakura, I'm still itchy." He continued. I had to physically convince him that he was free from holes.

"Marik, let me show you. I'll run my hands over where the holes are. I will be able to feel them and I'll tell you if I feel them or not." I said slowly, speaking slowly to make sure that Marik understood.

I ran my fingers over his wrists. Smooth skin, minus the scratches.

"No holes." I said.

I ran my fingers over his other wrist. Once again, smooth but with scratches.

"No holes."

I ran both hands down his gorgeous back. Marik had such beautiful tanned skin, unlike my own. Save from the tattoo upon his back, nothing was there. My hands reached his lower back, running over the bumps of his spine. Marik shivered when I did this.

"No holes. Do you feel better, Marik?" I asked. He had stopped crying. He wiped his eyes and look at me through the darkness. He nodded then jumped forward into my arms.

"Ohh Marik." I said. I carried him back over to the bed and set him down. He put his arms around my neck, locking me in a passionate kiss. Our breathing mixed and I lay down on top of him. He was so warm against me.

"Oh Marik" I murmured. I put my arms above his head. He broke away from me.

"There are no holes anymore, Bakura." He said simply, in a childish way. There never was any holes.

"That's good to hear." I replied.

"The holes always go away when you touch me, Bakura. I thank you for that." He said. Marik was very good at stating the obvious.

"It's fine" I said. I resumed our kissing and felt Marik grip my hair.
"Keep me safe, Bakura!" He shouted, hurting my tired ears.
"I will. I always will, Marik."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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