Chapter 2

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Fujima stared at the entrance of the school. He smiled, he finally made it to his dream school. It was too bad his friend wasn't there with him. It was a shared dream, but his childhood friend had moved away due to her father's request.

"Fujima!" He looked at Takashi who waved at him, dragging Satori behind him. He chuckled and waved back "Wow, you're early."

"I saved my self all the lectures from Mom." He laughed

Making their way inside, they can already see the chaos. It was a public school after all, but he was expecting trouble anyway. Screaming from the hallway were not a surprise, but what surprised him was the greenhead already pinning someone on the ground, sitting on the person's back.

"Oh crap, is that Mizuki?" Satori asked

"Who?" Takashi asked

"Two days ago, the greenhead Cade asked us to find." Satori reminded

"Do we find Cade or do we stop him ourselves?" Fujima asked

Before they could decide, Mizuki stood up, and that's when they noticed the sleeve band with three marks down on the side.

"Arbitrator." Takashi aggressively pats Fujima's shoulders "An Arbitrator!"

"Bring cigarettes to school again I'll rip your lungs out." They heard Mizuki threaten before walking towards their direction. He stopped and recognized Satori

Satori waved at Mizuki with a smile "Hi. You're the arbitrator?"

"Guardian." Mizuki replied coldly before walking away

As the three watched his back, they sighed. The cold part wasn't an oddity, but her aggression was.

"I pray we are not in the same class as him." Takashi crossed his fingers

That made them check their IDs. They looked up each other and showed their IDs. Fujima checked the other two. Advanced Class 1 Room 1. AD-1-1.

"Yes!" Fujima cheered "We're in the same class!" The other two cheered as well

Although their cheerfulness disappeared as soon as they entered the room and saw Mizuki sitting just by the door. They gave an awkward smile as a response to his raised brow.

"Oh crud." Takashi sighed in defeat

"Hi!" Cade cheerfully greeted "You guys are on the same class as us."

Takashi chuckled as soon as he saw her "Yeah." Then his eyes dropped to the arm badge. His eyes widened "A prefect?"

Cade giggled "Yeah. I was recommended. It's not official since my performances will be evaluated."

"Congratulations, Cade-ayto." Fujima said

"He's in our class!"

Fujima looked around, unsure who spoke. But he was sure it was the voice he heard earlier.

"Ine, Limeno."

He looked around, trying to see who spoke. Then he saw a familiar figure behind him. Fujima smiled "Tadashi?"

The other gave a short wave "Yo, nice to see you guys here."

"Aye, it's Kaito!" Takashi placed an arm around him "We'll have to block the hallways since this guy here is celebrity."

"Oh I've seen you on TV!" Cade gasped

"It's really him!"

Fujima turned his head towards the front of the class. There were two similar redheads, one was still, while the other was looking back at them. He then realized. Twins.

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