yOur smell

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"Taeyeob-ssi, did I ever tell you how good you smell?"

"Yes, hyung. You've told me a million times that you love the way I smell. I still don't know whether I find it endearing or weird. It might be a bit of both, actually."

I reached over and tucked some of his loose hairs behind his ear, revealing more of his beautiful face that I can't ever get enough of. And his hair is so soft and silky, not to mention his shampoo smells amazing.

I sighed, "How are you so pretty?" I asked Taeyeob.

He shrugged. "Uh, I don't know. How are you so handsome?" he asked me, tilting his head sideways.

"I don't know...?" I answered.

"See? Neither of us know why we're attractive. I guess our parents' genes really mixed well together; we are the visuals in the group," he said, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

I got up from the chair I was sitting in and walked over to the couch where Taeyeob was sitting. I sat down next to him and scooted closer to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. He lied his head on my shoulder and snuggled up against me, his hair right in front of my nose. His hair smelled like sweet vanilla and a hint of coconut.

I started caressing his hair and then out of nowhere, he kissed my cheek. I felt my ears burning and my face became flushed.

He's making it really hard for me to hold myself back. I wanna kiss him so bad right now.

I gulped and took a deep breath, trying to control myself. But this became a lot harder when he decided to rub the back of his head on my chest, making me even more flustered than before.

I tried to trick my sexual desires by kissing the top of Taeyeob's head instead of his lips. But now I could feel his soft breathing against my body; I was 5 seconds away from kissing this man.

When he looked up at me, I snapped. I couldn't hold it in any longer. My lips met his and for a second, I could feel him get a little startled, but then he started kissing me back. I pulled him in tighter, hearing a slight moan escape from his mouth. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I started to lift up his shirt.

I felt his lips grip harder onto mine, then quickly parting as he removed his arms so I could pull his shirt off.

We continued kissing and Taeyeob started to unbutton my shirt, this time the moan came from my mouth.

We let go for a second to catch some air and then I removed my shirt the rest of the way. He then looked at my seductively and started running his index finger across my collar bone and down my abdomen. I could feel myself breathing heavily as my libido started to increase.

My heart was beating a million miles a minute and I'm pretty sure he could even hear my heartbeat. He climbed onto my lap and gripped his hands onto my shoulders, making my knees go weak.

Now that his shirt was off, I could smell his body and hear his heartbeat which was just as loud as mine. Every moment I spend with him, I fall deeper and deeper in love.

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