actiOn figure museum

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"Hey, look! That one looks like you!" I said to Kyubin jokingly.

"Hmm... I don't think his arms are as big as mine, though," he replied, flexing his biceps.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, trying to keep myself from smiling.

Kyubin came up behind me as I was walking away dramatically and wrapped his arm around my waist. I almost choked on my own spit, even though I'm used to him doing this.

I looked up at his face and tightened my lips, giving him a look that said, " wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg, We'Re In PuBlIc!!"

He then shook his head and whispered in my ear "who cares? People need to get used to men being touchy with each other, this is the 21st Century." This shocked me since he was usually the one who's more conscious of what we're doing around other people.

"Umm... I mean, you're not wrong. South Korea is extremely conservative when it comes to mlm or wlw couples, even though this is the 21st Century."

Kyubin moved his arm and laced his fingers through mine, making my heart flutter.

He then led me over to a life-sized Spider-Man figurine cased in a glass box.

He took a long look at it and asked me, "Taeyeob-ssi, do you think I'm stronger than him?"

"Of course," I responded.

I saw him smile widely at this; he's so adorable.

"Yeah, this isn't a human. It's just a figurine, it doesn't have muscles."

Kyubin's smile faded, "Well yeah... but you know that's not what I meant," he whined.

I giggled. "Yes, of course you are stronger than Spider-Man. Happy now?"

"Yes," he said as he kissed my forehead.

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