Ethereal Beginnings

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Depression, pain, destruction. Whether they hit late or early, the corpses remain. The experienced beings know the compact.

It began when I was 11 and was on 4th grade. Me and my family were a normal family... I suppose.
I was living my best life... actually.
I actually had someone to call my own, people I could trust, friends, people whom I call- family...

A female-friend of mine whom I was really close to, and trusted most of all, whom I cared about and who actually cared about me, I'd consider her my best friend, yet would she..? I'm still finding the answer for this question thil this date.

What we just experienced reading. Is what we call love I suppose, i myself am not an expert.
But I've experienced 'love'

You will know it is true love when you experience it, and never forget it... that's the part it hurts

Love is a strong emotion
It can save lives... or.. end them
It is a two edged sword

Love, I'd have for her is a deeper than the oceans.
Wider than the seas
It was the best feeling I've ever had
I always knew I'd get happy again when I saw her everyday. Even when I'm down or blue, her eyes were blazing fire which cured and healed me within.

I'd be considered a studious guy and an introvert.
I've never opened up to anyone except.. her"
I'd never join sports or even events that required brains even though I am considered one of the smartest kids.
I've never felt that much sad or anxious because it was an easy slow life.
I thought it would last forever.

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