Sheryl Anaylsis

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Sheryl Anlaysis

Sheryl from what we seen is a very mean and rude person. when seen intracting with Xavier She was like, "Babe, what's taking so long." in a very whiney voice. She seemed to only want him to take her out for dinner and xavier probaly had to pay for everything she hes rich. She also was not so nice to Molly, bullying her and making her school life suck. Xavier in highschool was probaly a huge nerd so doubt she'd date or marry Xavier for personality or smarts. I dont think she knew him in school if so she would probaly be mean and rude to him. they started dating after xavier had a full job and she probaly was only after his money. DOUBT Sheryl loved Xavier and they probaly argued alot but Xavier stayed around for his son. Sheryl isnt the best mother. probaly very comtrolling and wanting her husband and son to be perfect, her son is probaly taken in by a nice aunt, uncle, family member. i HC his name to be Peter.

Also the only time we see Sheryl onscreen interacting with characters. it's usually a rude or demanding way.

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