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        I open my hazel eyes and slowly wake up to the sound of footsteps nearing my room from down the hall. I listen closely for a minute before realizing that they are my stepmother's footsteps. I close my eyes and pretend to still be asleep. The door slowly creaked open and I can feel her watching me and making sure that I'm actually asleep. She stands there for a few minutes before closing the door and walking back to her room. I sigh quietly and slowly sit up, moving my long brunette hair out of my face. I look out the window and see that the sky is still pretty dark, so I know it's still pretty early, Dad must've recently left for work. I lay back down and pull my white teddy bear close to me as I try to relax. I tried to go back to sleep before I had to get ready for school but couldn't seem to relax at all now that I had woken up. I look down at my bear, I've had him for a little over a year now, holding him tightly and counting my breaths to help myself get some more sleep. I finally feel the calm darkness washing over me as I fall back to sleep.

     I open my eyes and see the medium-sized gates and the large shimmery gates behind them. I smile widely and walk through both gates and into the wide-open garden. I smile softly and look around, I see the tall man sitting against the large, oak tree. He sees me and smiles back, his dark tattoos glistening under the beam of sunlight as he stands up and makes his way over to me. He runs his right hand through his dark auburn hair as he stops a short distance from me.

       "So, you finally came back Huh?" he laughed out softly.

I laughed back, "yeah, I wasn't ready to wake up just yet. I want a little longer of peace before I spend a day getting yelled at. I'm not ready for the day it's going to be, Shadow."

His blue eyes shine with a glint of mischief as he gets a smirk across his face. He chuckles to himself as he picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. I kick and scream at him to put me down, but he just laughs and sets me on the ground around a bunch of people. I sit down next to the boy with fluffy bleached white hair and a huge smile on his face. I feel the warmth of the sun shining on my back as we all sit along the tree. I lean my head against Shadow's shoulder as I relax and just have fun with the group. I glance over by the gates and sigh deeply, knowing I have to leave my safe place.

     "It's time, isn't it?" Shadow asks me softly.

I nod slowly as I look him in his eyes, "Yeah it is, and I don't want to leave this place yet."

"I know, but you'll see us soon," he speaks out as he helps me stand up.

I brush the grass off my legs and brown shorts as I sadly smile at the rest of the group. I walk over to the gates and walk through them both.

      I open my eyes and look around and see my plain and empty room. I sit up and run a hand through my long dark hair and let out a sigh. I hear the footsteps approaching my door and mentally prepare myself for the yelling to commence as the door opens.

        "I told you it was time to get up and let the dogs out 15 minutes ago! Why is your lazy ass still in fucking bed!" Meretrix screamed at me.

"I'm sorry, I must have dozed back off, I'm getting up now," I said softly to not anger her anymore.

       She turns around and slams my door shut, making me flinch. I turn my body and put my feet on the bare floor as I slowly stand up. I slowly make my way over to the closet and pull out a plain black t-shirt. I throw on my shirt and quickly change to a clean pair of black leggings before throwing on a hoodie. I walk out of my room and down the hallway, opening up my little brother's door and getting the dogs out of his room, even though he doesn't even sleep in there. My brother is 8 years old, and he still sleeps in our parents' bed with them every night. I walk down the stairs behind the dogs and go through the kitchen to get to the back door and let them outside. While they're out there I go into the kitchen and fill up their food and water dish, I go to my backpack and put all my school stuff in it when I hear the dogs scratching at the door to be let in. I walk over and open it so they can come inside. I laugh softly when one of the dogs almost knocks me over as she runs into the house. I head back upstairs and go into my parents' room to make sure there are no other chores Meretrix needs me to do. 

      "Hey, is there anything else you wanted me to do?" I asked while looking at her.

"Yeah, you can get out of my face. You're free to head down to the bus stop." She spoke to me in a bored tone. 

     I nod slowly and walk away heading downstairs, grabbing my backpack as I do so. I jumped down off the last step and went to the kitchen to grab a pack of pop tarts before I Head out the door, closing it behind me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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