Chapter two

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Get ready for the cringe

Chapter Two

I might possibly sorta be doomed.

When I walked into the mayor's house I almost immediately ran into a guy in a white suit, "Sorry!" I blurted out.

"Oh!" He said and turned to me, "I guess that was my fault." He says with a jolly laugh, and I thought as the sound came out of his mouth, Sir, it's not even close to December.

"You must be here for the experiments!" He put a hand one my shoulder, and I stiffened up.

"No, sir. I'm one-" I started

"Right this way young man." He told me, and he led me into a white room.

"I'm one of the mayor's-" I started again.

"Sons? That's why you have such good manners for your age!" He said doing his now irritating jolly laugh.

"No, sir." I said quickly. "I'm one of his gardeners."

The man froze and looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "You?" He looked around at the janitors, then pointed at me. He let out a bellowing laugh. "An one armed boy, a janitor!" He looked at me again, as I stared at the floor in shame.

"Sir,'' I heard one of the janitors say, "He does it to feed him and his sister. You see he's... He's an orphan."

"Is he a dropout?" He asked the janitor.

"Yes, but his sister is still in school"

"She doesn't help pay for anything? She sure is useful." His says with a sarcastic tone.

"She's only ten, sir." I said under my breath. I looked at every single bump on the floor.

"Does she get more food than you, because some should put meat on your bones?" He almost sounded concerned.

"No." I amittied.

"How much do you get paid to be a gardener?" He asked.

"I won't do the experiments sir." I said with too much force.


"Because what will happen to my sister... She can't take care of herself. She's a caring ten year old." I looked up at him, feeling like he was going to force me to do the experiments. I'm not an adult! I'm a minor, he could force me to do anything, I have little power as a sixteen year old.

"You would be able to take care of him better with the money that you'll earn." The man said.

"Dr Ford!" The mayor called, and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness you here, I thought.

"I see you have met Nickolas." He said putting his firm hands on my shoulder.

"Yes I have." Dr Ford said.

"Well I am sad to say but Nickolas must be getting to work now." He said shoeing me away. I shot him a grateful glance.

"I'll see you soon Nickolas!" Dr Ford yelled.

I won't do the experiments, I thought to myself repeatedly. I won't do the experiments, I won't do the experiments, I won't do the experiments. But if I could stop at one experiment then we would have enough money for new pots. Nope. If I do one then I'll do two. Then I won't be able to stop. I scolded myself as I pulled weeds up out of the dry ground.

"Nick!" I heard the chief garner call, "The mayor want to take to you!"

I swallowed the nerves rising to my throat. I asked myself, why would he want to see me? Only two answers came to mind. Let's just say neither of them were good

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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