Chapter 1

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Percy Jackson's POV

My life crashed down when my best friend since Kindergarten told me that she was going to Princeton University. My best friend is called Annabeth Chase and, not only is she my best friend, but she is also my girlfriend. We were hoping to go to the same college but I am going to Montclair State University because I am studying Marine Biology. At least we still have a month together at Goode High School and we have 2 months in the holidays. I don't think I can deal without seeing her every day at school.

A month later (Graduation day).

Today is the day we finish High School. Leavers of 2011. Best year yet. I probably won't go to college for a year so I can get a job with my father. SNAP OUT OF IT, I NEED TO PUT MY GRADUATION ROBE ON!

14:40( time of Graduation)

An hour until we can walk out and never turn back. We were all lined up behind the stage speaking, I was telling Annabeth that I will go to college in a year time and she said if I am doing that then she will. Jason and Piper over heard us and said they would do the same. They told Leo, Frank, Calypso, Hazel, Chris, Travis, Connor, Clarisse, Katie ,Lou Ellen, Nico and Will. They agreed as well. Ten minutes later we all got called into our seats. I had to sit with Leo and Piper next to me. I zoned out until I heard the principal say my name. So I got up and started my speech,"Thank you for that amazing speech, Leo Valdez. I am Percy Jackson, a troublemaker in the class according to my yearbook. Go forth and set the world on fire is what I was always told to think. Word of advice, don't prank your soccer coach with the team. Anyway, one of the best memories at this school was our trip to Alaska and everyone decided to start a snowball fight. On my team was some of the best pranksters and throwers. We kept aiming for the teachers faces, they didn't care because it was two years ago, but when throwing one at Mr Blofis it hit Annabeth Chase square in the face, because that happened we all ran from her since we didn't want to die. So later that night we were in our cabin when Annabeth and some of the girls came in, looking happy, which scared us. They came closer to us and smacked us so hard that we still to this day have the bruises. I got the worst though, the other boys said that theirs stopped hurting after 19 minutes but I couldn't sleep well that night because of it. Go forth and set the world on fire. Annabeth Chase, you can achieve what you want. Piper McLean and Hazel Levesque, you can be what you want, don't let anyone tell you not to. Frank Zhang and Jason Grace accomplish what you can as hard workers. Leo Valdez, being a class clown doesn't mean you can't be an engineer. Calypso Moonlace, do what you can. Will Solace and Nico Di Angelo, complete what you can in life. Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Katie Gardener and Lou Ellen, being quiet and pranksters can't stop you with what you want to do in life. But anyway When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case, a prince. When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rockstar, cowboy, or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this, "Who the hell knows?" This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love. A lot. Major in philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again, because nothing's permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday when they ask what we wanna be, we won't have to guess. We'll know. THANK YOU GOODE HIGH SCHOOL!" With that I walked back to my seat. When walking back to my seat, I saw my mom, sister, brother and stepfather. Twenty minutes later we got called up to get our diplomas. After collecting our diplomas we was allowed to go to our families. So, I walked to them. "Hey, Paul. I got you a gift for being an amazing teacher." I said as I handed the present to my stepdad. He opened it and read what the outside said. He looked up and walked over to me. "Thank you my son." He said whilst smiling, that is how I knew he met to say son. "PERCY!" James and Estelle shouted.
"Calm down." I pulled them into a hug because I haven't seen them in 5 months. My mom walked over to me with four jewellery boxes. "Here." Is all she said before handing them to me. I opened up the first one and smiled when reading it. I did the same until the last one. The one that was definitely Paul's one he got me. I read it over and over again with tears of joy in my eyes. I walked right in front of Paul and hugged him. "Thanks, dad. Can you help me put these on please?" I asked.
"Sure Perce." He replied. He helped with the necklaces and bracelets before I asked to go over to Annabeth and the others. "Sure" I walked to them. Annabeth and Jason got jewellery boxes out of their bags and gave them to me. "You are the only one who hasn't got their present from us yet," Jason said. "So open them."
"Wait, here are your presents. Annabeth's is in the blue box. Everyone else's are in the red boxes." I said.
"On the count of three."
"1...2...3!" We all opened the boxes to see lovely bracelets and necklaces. "Thank you." We all said. At that moment my father and brother walked in. They saw me and ran over to where I was standing. "Just wanted to drop the presents of to you." My father said and handed me the two boxes.
"Thank you father and Triton." I said and they walked out. I opened them to see two amazing bracelets.

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