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Hi guys so this is one of the covers that I received from PerfectWorld98 isn't it beautiful? 

I really really liked it, so I chose her a but she isn't the only winner I had many other beautiful covers made for me so everyone who made me a cover will have it put in the media box in the next few chapters!. But don't feel disheartened if I didn't pick yours as I loved them all. Thankyou to everybody who entered I love you all!
-Kait x


I pulled away from Matt gasping for air as I did so. That was one hell of a kiss.

"Wow" Matt said as I watched him bring his hand up and graze his fingers over his lips making me blush like a teenage girl.

"Erm, yeah I'm sorry about that.. I never made to-to make things awkward" I began to speak as I sensed the awkwardness between us.

"Don't worry about it Alexi, now let's get ready for bed as I don't know about you but I'm tired" Matt spoke to me as he walked further into his apartment, making me trail him like a lost puppy.

Why was he acting like nothing had happened between us just then? Was i that bad of a kisser? I hope not.

"You can put your bag down by the sofa, make yourself at home" Matt mumbled as he walked into what I think was his bedroom and later returned with a blanket and a pillow, placing them on the couch opposite the one I was sitting on.

"Matt, what are you doing?" I asked clearly confused with his actions, did he really think I was going make him sleep on the couch In his own place? Nada.

"I'm staying on the couch you can take my bed, the spare room isn't exactly set up for somebody to be in there right now" He said as if it was normal as he walked into the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbing a beer.

 "Want one?" He called through to me.

"Don't try change the subject, you're not sleeping on the couch in your own place, I will take the couch and you can have your bed" I say standing up and walking over to him, every step I took caused the floor boards to squeak in protest.

"Alexi I made my choice, you are having my bed and that's final" He says with a loud sense of authority riddled in his words. I don't know why but when he said this it felt like my heart had shattered and sunk into my gut.

 Was it because this was the first time he had shouted at me. As I was having an internal debate I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"O-Okay goodnight" I choke out as I turned and walked into his bedroom where I changed into a baggy band Tshirt and shorts that i had packed from my old apartment.

I felt bad when I slipped myself into Matts bed, it was one of then beds where it moulded to the shape of your body making me never want to get out. I spent the first hour trying to urge myself to sleep but I couldn't, I know I've only kissed him once but I can't help but think about how much my heart hurt when he shouted at me.

As I thought about the previous events I felt tears welling up again but this time I didn't voter about trying to fight them back as I let them cascade down my cheeks leaving wet trails in their path. No matter how hard I tried to stop my tears the pain in my heart urged them to keep going, leaving my body feeling numb.

"Alexi?" A deep voice sounded from the door way startling me.

"Y-yeah" I say trying to hold back a sob as I spoke.

"Wait, what's wrong?" Matt asked now sounding much more alert as he strode over to the bed sitting down next to me.

"Nothing, nothing I'm fine really" I blurt out as more tears roll down my cheeks.

"You know you're a terrible liar" Matt said as he searched with his hand for mine, grabbing it he started to run circles on the back of my palm calming me down.

"Come on move over then" He said as he stood up pulling his white shirt off, pulling back the covers as he slid in next to me. I could feel my heart rate rising as the heat from his bare toned chest radiated warmth throughout the bed.

I pushed myself as far over to the edge as I could not really knowing if he wanted me near him. But my questions were soon answered when he reached out an arm, wrapping it around my waist and pulling me into his perfectly sculpted body.

I was really tense at first until he swept the hair draping over my shoulder onto the other side and placing his head over my shoulder. I could feel his warm breaths covering my collar bone and neck making me shiver in delight. I guess Matt felt my shiver as he chuckled wrapping his other arm around my waist fully enclosing me in his much appreciated presence.

"Matt?" I whisper after about 10 minutes.

"Yeah?" His sleepy voice replied his face buried In the crook of my neck still.

"Don't leave me" I whisper turning in his arms to face him.

"I never will Lexi" he replied laying flat on his back pulling me into his side. One arm wrapped around my waist tracing shapes on my exposed skin and the other hand tangled in my hair repeating the same action.

Laying my head on his solid chest I giggled softly, "Lexi, that's new".

"Well, only the best for my girl" he replied placing a kiss on my forehead.

I fell asleep thinking about how perfect things were right now. And I tell you what that was probably one of the best nights sleep I've had.

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