A Loss

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If I lay here for the rest of my life, i'd be okay with that. No. I can't just do that. Ruining my life because another's was destroyed, is not right. No. It will not be your fault. If my life burns down in flames, the fault will not lie in your grave. I won't allow it.

Just get up Starla. Come on, get up. Forcing myself doesn't work either. No I don't know if I can do this. He was all I had. No matter how bad it got..he was a ray of sunshine. Why? I whispered with my head aimed to the sky. Two faint little tears trickled down my cold cheeks.

Next thing I heard was my busted up, old door slowly creek open. "Hey, Starla. Listen" Silence filled the room for a few seconds. Then she came to sit beside me.

"Aunt Jean, please" I stuttered without making eye contact.

"No, I know you're in pain. Hunny, we all are. Yes he was your only brother, the last piece of your real family, but if you let me, i can be a part of your real family that you lost today"

"Stop it!" I holler in response without letting her finish. "I don't need cheering up, not from you. You aren't helping." She had a sudden blank look on her face. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I said something I quite possibly can regret.

"You aren't my real family! And you never will be! Just go away, I don't want to talk to you!" I grabbed my duffle bag, sprinted down the stairs, and darted out the rickety back door. It was a wonder I didn't trip and stumble onto my face.

Aunt Jean wasn't my blood aunt. She had, yes, been the closest thing I had to a real mom or any kind of guardian. Aside from her and Carter, I had no family, and since 7:18am I have only had Aunt Jean.

My mom had pasted away due to cancer when I was only 7 years old. I can barely remember her and my memory of her beautiful face weakens each day. My father? Well I had never met him but I don't think i'd ever want to. I remember my mom telling me that he left us before I
was born. We don't exactly know why but they did use to fight quite a lot. That couldn't have been the reason though. Aunt Jean thinks it was caused by the fear of losing her from cancer. Well that's stupid. Guess what, you lost her before you could spend her last days on earth with her. I'm just not one of those people who were born to have a good life.


This is my first try at writing a real novel and I don't know how it's gonna go but I hope you like it! I would wait to publish until I have more written down but this gives you a chance to see what it's about and an idea of the kind of stuff I write. Normally I will wait to publish until I have more written but for just the first chapter, I will publish now and won't keep you waiting. Okay, chapter 2 coming soon ;)


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