Hotel (Off/Gun)

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The hotel lights were dim, and the hallway leading to their room seemed lengthier than the first time he stepped into it. It was weird. Off dismissed the unsettling feeling and started to walk. The lamp on his right flickered, startling him. He had to stop for a moment to calm his racing heart. 

"Papii!" The quiet heartbreaking cry of his partner echoed through the corridor, making his chest squeeze painfully. He needs to go to Gun. Off started to move again. He quickened his steps, but something caught his attention. The shape of the lamps was strange yet familiar. They noticeably resembled balloons. The shiver runs down his spine. Was this a joke or the hidden camera? 

"Papii, please!" Gun's sobbing pushed him to move again. He was sweating buckets, and his heart was about to jump out of his chest, but he couldn't let his baby alone and in danger. The loud sound of popping resounded from behind him. Off's hands automatically fly to his ears, trying to mute the horror noise. He felt his legs becoming weaker as the popping sound was getting nearer. Off was afraid he won't make it to Gun in time. 

"Papii, please wake up!" Gun's voice was urgent. Off gasped, and his eyes snapped open, spotting his concerned boyfriend.

"It was just a dream. I am alright." Off didn't know if he said it to assure himself or Gun. Either way, he pulled the younger to his chest, letting his petite warm body calm him down. It was still too early to be out of bed, and both needed to rest.

 Hopefully, with Gun in his arms, he will be able to sleep more peacefully.

OffGun August Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now