Airplane (Pat/Non)

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Author's note:  This will be a small series. I like this ship 🤭

"The new hospital, a new beginning." Pat took a deep breath before he walked through the gate. The hospital building was built in a western style, surrounded by a massive garden. It looked more like a billionaire's mansion than a clinic. The location further from the busy city made it more peaceful and quiet. It was something Pat appreciated the most. He made his way towards the main entrance, feeling somehow nervous. Ready to step inside the building, something hit him on the back of his head. He turned around, frowning at the paper airplane lying motionlessly at his feet. Curiously, Pat picked it up, scanning his surroundings for the possible culprit.

"Doctor Pat?" The woman's voice addressed him. 

"Yes, that's me." He answered, waiing politely. The nurse smiled at him, returning his greeting. She glanced at the paper airplane in his hand with a gentle smile.

"I see I wasn't the first one to welcome you." 


"The airplane." She pointed at the toy Pat was still holding. 

"It's Non's greeting." The nurse specified. Pat nodded, assuming Non was one of the patients here.  

"He's been in and out of this hospital many times because of his parents. It's a sad story. The boy is nothing but kind." She shook her head. 

"You will meet him later. Let's get you settled in first." 

Pat followed her inside, his head full of the mysterious patient. 

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