A Note from the Author

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Hello fellow Wattpadians!

As you hopefully know, I am currently rewriting TBOMTBOD, which means it is currently on hold. So, for those of you who are hoping for an update, I'm really sorry. But, in the mean time, here are a few brief character descriptions of some important Valennians you may or may not have already met. Take a look:

~Inhabitants of Ilah~

Myalah Hart - Protagonist; powerful but developing witch; most beautiful girl in Ilah

Wynnie Dawson - Myalah's best friend/soul sister; nonmagical but strong-minded; a teensy bit unconventional; second-most beautiful girl in Ilah

James Smith - Myalah's father; nonmagical; merchant or something- (it's hard to tell since he's a wee bit mentally unstable)

Margaret Hart - Myalah's mother; incredibly magical witch; late queen's best friend/soul sister; shows zero deference to royalty; deceased

Becca Winslor - that one girl who you really don't like but tolerate because she insists on following your best friend everywhere, nonmagical

Mr. Hughes - the librarian


Prince Luka Garcia - protagonist; the beast; [insert a whole bunch of adjectives here]

King Richard Garcia - Luka's father; absent dad; negligent ruler;

Queen Dalilah Garcia - Luka's mother; favored queen of Valennia, commonborn; deceased

Princess Ashton Garcia - ✨✨

Queen Aria Garcia - second wife of King Richard (nobody knows why); does most of the things that are super important for, you know, ruling a kingdom; non magical


Lady Lucille Eidelwalker - stereotypical mean girl who thinks the prince and the world is hers; daughter of Chief Advisor; nonmagical

Lady Henna Ellis - Myalah's friend; the nicest lady at court; nonmagical

~Others at the Palace~

Cassian Everett - Luka's bodyguard; unofficial adoptive son of Queen Aria; kinda a stone statue-

Rey Lee - Myalah's friend; not a noble though she does live in the capital; nonmagical

Braelynn Sine - Myalah's servant and friend at the palace; nonmagical

I hope you enjoyed those incredibly brief descriptions that I may add to at some point or another. If you would like to see how TBOMTBOD rewrite is coming, please PM me for a preview. Until next time!


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