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Two months after I died, it was February. My siblings went to school but weren't excited like they usually were. None of my friends or even the teachers were. Everyone walked silently down the hallway. The kids who always cracked jokes were looking at their feet with solum looks on their faces.
There was no school valentines dance, no one was able to plan or prepare. I guess their love-feelings had been lost.
When I was there, everyone was always so happy and loud. Now, though, they all looked more depressed than I had been.
I watched as my friends walked to lunch, all looking away from each other. The table was quiet - like the rest of the cafeteria. I began to wonder if they were really very sad about me. Maybe someone else moved and they were sad about that. Because no one cared about me.
I thought they would be happier without me. and maybe they were.

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