KamuiXReader Oneshot

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"I don't like how you smile," those are the words you uttered when you first saw him. He just shrugged it off, but when you followed it up with your next words, his expression became serious.

You slowly rubbed your eyes as you wake up, realizing it was all just a dream. A certain dream about a memory of the past. After a few minutes of making sure you're not half asleep, you started your morning ritual. You gently brushed your (hair color) locks, making sure you had gotten rid of that annoying bedhead. Then you proceeded to wash your face and brush your teeth. The last step was to step out of your pajamas but as you do so, a certain redhead called from behind your room's door.

"(your name), are you awake? It's time for breakfast" Kamui said in a somewhat sleepy voice that was followed by a yawn. "Hurry up, I want to eat."

You rolled your eyes at what he said. "You know the food is served there, so you just have to go there and eat," you said, finally done with changing your clothes.

"Nah, I'll wait for you," he said. You smiled. Everyone knows he loves food but not as much as he loves you. The 7th division captain really did what he said and leaned his back on the wall while he waits for you outside. His eyes closed as he's still a bit sleepy. You checked yourself out on the mirror for the last time before heading out of your room. You gently closed the door behind you. The redhead was still leaning on the wall and has his eyes still closed as you approached him. You smiled, seeing how peaceful-looking his face was. So far and different from the blood-thirsty expression he wears whenever he fights.

You kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Do you want to eat or do you just want to sleep there, sleepy head?".

Kamui just smirked after feeling your kiss on his cheek. He opened his eyes, beautiful blue orbs looking at your (eye color) ones. The redhead then wrapped his right arm around your waist then gently pressed you on the wall, not allowing escape as he used his other arm to trap you. "Well if it wasn't because of a certain slowpoke, we should have been eating by now."

"Tch" was all you were able to say. This feeling of being cornered and having him so close to you made your cheeks blush. You looked away to try to hide your embarrassment and red tinted cheeks.

"Now you're suddenly shy, huh?" he chuckled. Kamui then gently caressed your cheek then made you look at him, and before you could say something, he sealed your lips with his. It was a light but sweet kiss. He pulled away after a while then looked at you. You blushed more. "You're too cute," he said while smiling at you. A smile that's very different with what you've seen before when he fights. He's now smiling at you with a heart-warming sincere smile. You even thought he was so charming when he does that. So charming that you almost feel your heart skip a beat just by seeing him smiling like that. He was about to give you another kiss while you were still dazzled but his stomach suddenly growled.

After hearing that, you quickly recovered then chuckled. "Alright, let's go have breakfast." He just scratched his head then nods.

You arrived at the dining area. A slightly annoyed Abuto looking at you. "What took you so long? I'm dying of starvation here."

The both of you took your seats. "The food isn't with us so you should have begun eating even before we were here. Don't be an idiot, Abuto. It doesn't fit you" says Kamui as he began to dig in almost immediately.

You snorted. "Look who's talking," you said, but he was busy eating so he didn't seem to hear you. Abuto deadpanned then started eating along with you and Kamui.

Once done, you excused yourself and went to the washroom. There, some female members of the Harusame are putting on some kind of makeup. They gave you a disgusted look then continued talking to each other as if you're not there. "I still don't understand what the captain liked about that filthy earth crawler. She's such an eyesore!" she said, loud enough for you to hear. Too loud, in fact. You chose to ignore them. They were the jealous females who hates you since Kamui brought you with him to Harusame. It's been several months but they just can't seem to move on and get over it. Luckily, they went out after applying finishing touches to their faces. This wasn't the first time you had this kind of experience but you never said something to them. You were thinking that they'll get tired of it someday and it's fine as long as they don't go farther than verbal abuse. Because if they do more than that, only God knows what you might do to them.

After doing your stuff there, you went out. But the scene that greeted you outside startled you. The females were there, and also Kamui. What surprised you was the scared expression on the girls' faces as Kamui talks to them.

"I don't usually kill women but if you say that to her again, you'll be an exception," Kamui said, punching the wall hard enough for cracks to form around it. The female amantos just trembled in fear. Kamui has that smiling expression that he has whenever he's in a fight. He said he smiles like that whenever he's about to kill somebody.

You hurriedly approached him. "That's enough, Kamui. I'm alright." The red head looked at you, his expression changed into that of someone who's worried as he studies your face. Making sure you're alright. The said females then used the chance to run away in fear of the 7th division captain. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Why not? Those bitches deserve it." You just slightly shook your head disapprovingly. "You know I won't mind killing someone for you and it doesn't matter if they are members of Harusame or not. If they hurt you in any way, they deserve to die." A hint of anger can still be detected from his tone.

"I don't want you to take someone's life just because of that. That's too much." Kamui still disagrees but his features softened when you hugged him. The annoyed expression almost immediately vanished. "Promise me."

"I'll try, (your name). I'll try."

You frowned but didn't argue anymore. You just hugged him, making sure he's calmed down. Even finding it amusing that he was that angry just because of that small incident. "Overprotective bastard," you muttered, making sure he didn't hear. You chuckled.

"Hm?" he looked at you.

"I love you, Kamui" you said then planted a kiss on the corner of his lips. Still slightly chuckling.

"I love you too, (your name)." He then gave you that sweet smile before leaning to you for a kiss.


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