Did I forgor 💀?

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Earlier, I was empty in thoughts, Nothing was found in my head and skull, it was filled with purest of voids.

This doesn't really affected my butt as a whole for I still felt the pain while defecating.

Particularly, something strange occured...
My very own skull was lying in the toilet, without any clue or sign of how it got there, implying the very term of "Forgor".

However, I don't even know what did I forgot that causes the skull to be in the toilet, was it because I was a foolish individual? Pretty much.

And as I lean towards the skull in the toilet, it starts to face towards me and said:

"Rember yet?"

Suddenly I shiver in fear, hearing my very own voices from a skull spoken to me.

I slowly back out from the bathroom door and bash through the entrance, running as if it were my last.

I kept running forward, without a destination.

As I sprint towards the unknown, I felt the presence of a kid.

I Forgor 💀Where stories live. Discover now